The list shows all current sales quotes and orders. There is a tool and filter bar, above the list. Some of the columns (e.g. A/C Ref and Customer) are hyperlinks which when clicked allows you to view the appropriate record. You can customise, search, sort, filter and group the data presented in list views. |
The tool bar has a number of buttons, including: |
The filter bar allows you to quickly go to a particular order number, apply a date range filter (click on the Filter label), select what type (Quotes, Orders, Proforma or All) of documents are shown and select records by their status (Pending, None, Part, Full or All). Columns:
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
Sales Quote / OrderBoth sales quotes and orders use the same screen layout which has a toolbar at the top and a split screen with five tabs (Order, Addresses, Nominal & Notes, GBP and Profit) in the top section. The toolbar buttons include: Ship:Marks allocated stock items as being shipped to customer and stock levels are adjusted. Every shipment creates a shipment / GDN (goods delivery note) record. Close SO:Marks the sales order as being closed which prevents it from being altered in the future. Print:Print template based documents such as sales orders, picking lists, delivery notes etc.. |
orderYou can enter all relevant details in the header section tabs: |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
AddressesUnder this tab you can view and select customer billing and delivery addresses. |
You can also enter other pertinent details, including: |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
Nominal & Notes |
You can enter addition information here, including: |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
ProfitHere you can check the profitability of the sales order on an item by item basis. There are a number of settings (Settings, Configurations, Sales) that determine what information is displayed in the profit tab:
You can select different columns to view profitability for allocated stock, shipped items and total (allocated and shipped). When a new sales order is created, the system calculates the profit figures based on the item average unit value (actual cost or adjusted cost if the item cost price has been revalued) to give estimated profit figures. However, as stock is allocated, the system updates the profit figures using the unit value of the items from the allocated batch of stock. If the stock is only part allocated (including any shipped items), then the profit figures will be true (accurate) for the allocated stock / shipped items and an approximation for the non-allocated items. |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
SO Items\In the lower section you can enter sales order items. You can customise the list view to suit your requirements. The items section also has a toolbar with buttons, including: |
Working from left to right, the controls have the following functions: Details on the screen include: |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |
Allocate Stock\Althogh you can fully allocate stock to all items from the button, Fully in the header, Order tab, there are occasions when you need to allocate stock to items on an individual basis. To this end, you can click the button in the Allocate column for the appropriate item to display the stock allocation screen: The top part of the screen displays the item description, quantity required (order minus despatched quantity), quantity allocated at present and remaining balance. The lower section shows a list of all batches that have been purchased are still in stock. Yoy can use the Auto Allocate button to allocate stock from the oldest available batch first. Alternatively, you can allocate select quantities from one or more specific available batches. |
Index | Sales Ledger | Sales Orders | Shipments | Sales Invoices |