Field | | Description. |
Date | | Transaction date that will be recorded - defaults to the current program date. |
History | | Number of recent stock transactions records to be displayed in the bottom half of the screen. |
History Transaction Type | | There are 4 options available to display stock transactions:
- All: Displays the latest selected number of stock transactions (most recent at the top).
- <Selected Option> - All: Displays the latest stock transactions of the same type as the selected stock option.
- Selected Item - All: Displays the latest stock transactions for the selected stock item. The list is updated each time a different stock items is selected.
- Selected Item - <Selected Option>: Displays the stock transactions of the same type as the selected stock option for the currently selected item.
Depot | | If the system has been configured for multiple depots, then you can select the depot where the stock is tobe booked in to or is located and is to be adjusted or moved from. |
Stk Code | | Enter the stock code for the desired item. Non-Stocked items may not be selected. The stock item description, current stock quantity, quantity free (based on remaining quantities of existing batches of stock, as shown in the stock record) and average cost price are displayed below and to the right. |
Tag ID | | This field is not present in the Stock In option. Once the stock item has been selected, above, this drop down list can be used to select a specific batch of stock. Upon selecting an items batch, item details for the selected batch are dispalyed on the screen, including cost price. The quantity free is updated to reflect the quantity free for the selected batch and not for all batches for the selected stock item. For obvious reasons, you can not reduce the batch stock levels by more than the free quantity. |
Tag Numeric ID | | This is to the right of the previous Tag ID field. When a batch of a particular item is booked in to stock, it is assigned a unique numeric Tag ID with an optional user definable prefix. If you know the tag reference of stored items batch, you can enter the numeric part of the tag reference in this field to locate the items batch in question without having to first select a stock item.
When moving stock between depots, you can also enter a Tag prefix in this field and it will be assigned to the the new storage batch that is created when the selected stock quantity is moved to the destination depot. |
Quantity | | Quantity by which the stock level is to be adjusted. When reducing stock, quantity must be no greater than the free quantity. |
Batch / Loc | | When an existing items batch is selected, the production batch reference (casting number) and current storage location are displayed in these 2 fields. In the Stock In option, you can enter the production batch reference and warehouse storage locations in these two respective fields. |
Unit Cost | | For existing items batch, the unit cost price is displayed and may not be changed. In Goods In option, however, you can enter the unit cost price for the new items. |
Depot - To | | This drop down list is similar to the Depot field, above and is only applicable to the Move option. Here you select the depot that the selected stock should be moved to. |
New Location | | This field is to the right of the previous field and is also only applicable to the Stock Move option. Here, you can enter the new storage location, in the new depot. |
Sell Price | | Applicable to the Stock Out option only and allows you to enter the unit sell price, when booking stock out. |
Reference | | This is a short reference you may wish to record as part of the stock transaction log. Under Stock In option, this is also recorded against the new items batch that is created. |
Details | | As reference, above, you can enter additional details to be recorded as part of the stock transaction. This will also be saved as Notes in the storage location for new items batch. |
Total | | Total cost, sale or value of the selected quantity of stock. If appropriate, profit / loss amounts are displayed to the right of this field together with a percentage within brackets. |
Keep Details | | If you are making multiple adjustments for the same stock items, then you can check this box to retain information between transactions. |
Save & Add | | Use this button to save changes for the selected item and to enter further stock adjustments. This button is enabled only when a stock item or batch has been selected and the entered quantity is greater than zero. |
Save & Close | | Similar to the previous save option with the exception that the screen is closed after saving. |
Clear | | Clears the data on the screen without saving. |
Cancel | | Closes the screen without saving. |
History | | Shows a list of most recent stock transaction, appropriate to the selected option and the history options selected at the top of each screen. The displayed history is updated on saving each new trasaction. In line with other list views, these may be customised. |
Stock Decrease |

This option allows quantity of currently stocked items to be decreased. For example, when you cannot locate stock in a large warehouse or stock has to be removed for any reason. As the screen for Stock Increase is the same as that for Stock In, only the fields that are perninent are mentioned below:
Field | | Description. |
Stk Code | | Enter the stock code for the desired item. Only thos items for which the system shows free stock may be selected; Non-Stocked items may not be selected. |
Tag ID | | Once the stock item has been selected, above, this drop down list can be used to select a specific batch of stock. Upon selecting an items batch, item details for the selected batch are dispalyed on the screen, including cost price. The quantity free is updated to reflect the quantity free for the selected batch and NOT for all batches of the selected stock item. |
Quantity | | Quantity by which the stock level is to be reduced. Quantity to be decreased cannot be greater than the free quantity for the selected batch. If you need reduce the stock even further, then you must select other batches of the same stock and decrease their quantity appropriately. |
Unit Cost | | Enter the unit cost price for the stock being removed to maintain accurate stock valuation. |