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Purchase Orders |
Purchase InvoicesDeliveries / Goods Received Notes (GRN)
You can create purchase orders for items that you wish to purchase from suppliers and place them on order. Once the goods are received, you can create a Goods Received Note, based on your purchase order and compare it to the actual delivery note / received items to confirm you have received the correct items.
In Purchase, Orders, you can select a purchase order and click on the Delivery button, on the toolbar to create a new GRN for the purchase order concerned. This GRN may be amended to reflect part or incomplete deliveries as well as over deliveries (receiving higher quantities that what were ordered).
Alternatively, select the Deliveries (GRN) option and click the New button to create a blank new GRN. Starting with a blank GRN allows you to create a GRN based on multiple purchase orders from a particular supplier.
The image below shown GRN screen, which has 5 sections:
- Toolbar with following buttons:
- Save. Save changes.
- Cancel. Abandon all changes.
- Post. This button is enabled, once the GRN status is changed to Received or In Stock. The items and associated quanttities are booked into stock.
- Invoice. Generate a purchase invoice based on GRN details thus circumventing the need to enter supplier invoice details manually.
- Adhoc. This is similar to the Invoice button but allows you to select which items should be included in the purchase invoice.
- Print. Print the goods received note.
- Stock Tags. Print stock tags for each batch of items on the GRN.
- Close. Close the GRN screen.
- Header. There are 3 tabs:
- Order:
- GRN No. This is generated automatically by the system when a new GRN is saved. You can enter an existing GRN number to retreive the GRN details.
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- Address:
- Notes:
- Items Toolbar
- Items List
- Footer
Index |
Suppliers |
Purchase Enquiries |
Purchase Orders |
Purchase Invoices