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Purchase Ledger

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Purchase Deliveries (GRN)

Goods Received Notes List

Goods Received Notes, GRN accompany deliveries when they arrive. These can be entered into the system to aid booking stock in. You can enter details of a new GRN by clicking on the Add button on the toolbar or edit an exiting one using the Edit button. The Post button books the items into the Stock and closes the GRN, see Post GRN for details.

The actual details shown in the list view may be customised.

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GRN: Goods Received Note

Typically, GRN accompany deliveries but in some cases, are received in advance, ahead of ordered items. Also, items from one or more purchase orders may arrive in a single delivery whilst others may not have a corresponding purchase order. You can record delivery details and match them against purchase orders prior to booking the stock in. The data entry form is designed to expedite the booking in process. Like many other forms, the GRN is split in to a header section and a lower items list section. The various header details are outlined below:

Goods Received Note

GRN NoGoods Received Note number is assigned automatically by the system when a new record is saved.

A/C RefAccount reference for the supplier who sent the items. Selected supplier details are displayed automatically to the right. Once a supplier has been selected, the PO drop down list (see below) displays only pending PO for the selected supplier.

StatusGRN status. In case of large shipments or overseas orders with long delivery periods, the delivery note / GRN may arrive ahead of actual items. You can select / set the status to indicate whether the goods have been shipped, are in transit, have landed (say in the shipping port, awaiting clearance by customs), have been received but not yet booked in to stock, closed i.e. booked into stock etc..

DepotIf the number of depots in Configurations has been set to more than 1, then you can select the depot that the stock will be added to when the GRN is posted.

GRN RefSupplier / delivery note reference.

ReferenceAny additional delivery reference such as the driver name etc..

Ship DateDate the items were shipped.

Delivery DateDate the items were received.

PO CurrPurchase order currency. Which currency were the items ordered in. This is only available for suppliers whoes trading currency is different from the company base currency. N.B. Multi-currency option must be enabled.

GRN CurrAre the shipped items billed in a different currency to the one that the purchase order was made? Again, this is enabled only when, multi-currency is enabled.

POPurchase order. If the items received relate to a purchase order, you can import items from the PO. If a supplier has already been selected then only PO thar are pending (status not set to Received) for the selected supplier are available for selection. Select the appropriate PO and click the Add PO button to import item details from the selected PO. The quantity received for this particular GRN is automatically set to outstanding balance (quantity not yet received).

Add POSelect the required purchase order from the list, above and click this button to add the items to the list of items received. In case where a single delivery contains items from multiple purchase orders (from the same supplier), you can repeat this process to add items from other purchase orders.

  • PO: Tick this option if you wish only to view items on purchase order, selected in the drop-down field, PO above.
  • All: View all items (selected purchase order or all purchase orders).
  • Booked: Select this option to view only the items that have been booked in on this particular GRN (GRN Qty is greater than zero).
  • # Booked: View items that have not been booked (GRN Qty is zero) so far.
  • OK: On an item by item basis, you can mark each item as being checked and correct (i.e. both quantity and price have been checked) and check the bix in the items list OK column. Then, selecting this option allows you to view only the items that have been checked as OK. Use this option to indicate that you are satisfied with the item entry. It does not necessarily mean that the details on the GRN exactly match those on the PO. It is possible that the quantity, price or both may not match but you are satisfied that the details are as they should be and hence flag it as being OK.
  • # OK: This is opposite to the previous option i.e. view only items that have NOT been flagged as being OK.

ReceivedSet the received quantity and price in accordance to the details in the purchase order. Select one or more items (using the normal wondows mouse click and key combinations for selecting multiple rows), from the items list view and use the following options to set the quantity and unit price:

  • Qty: Set the GRN received quantity of selected items to the purchase order quantity.
  • Price: Set the GRN unit price of selected items to the purchase order unit price.
  • Both: As above but for both the quantity and price.
  • Full: If Qty or Both option is set, item received quantity (GRN Qty) is set to the ordered quantity remaining balance. If Price or Both option is set then the item price of all items is set to the price in the purchase order.
  • Zero: This is similar to the previous option, Full. This will set both the received quantity and item price to zero for the selected items.

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Post GRN

When a GRN is posted, the stock quantity of items are incremented. The actual events that take place are:

Purchase OrdersIf the item in question was imported from a PO, then the PO is updated. The received quantity is incremented appropriately. In the case where only part of the ordered quantity has been received then future importing of the PO into a new GRN will set the received quantity to teh remaining balance. If, on the other hand, all items on the PO have been received in full, then the PO status is set to Received; PO can not then be imported in to a GRN.
Stock RecordThe In Stock quantity for each item is incremented by the received quantity, GRN Qty. The last purchase date and price in the item stock record are also updated.
Physical StockFor each item, a separate record is created, in table Goods to indicate physical stock which is central to all stock transactions. When items are sold, it is the quantity of this physical stock that is decremented. If a particular item is 'Split' in to two or more batches, then details of each batch are recorded to a separated table, Stock_Bins.
Stock TransactionsFor each booked item, a new Goods In (GI) transaction is created in the Stock_Activity table.

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