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Ice Ledger

Online Manual


Ice Ledger is a fully featured business accounting software that contains a rich list of features. Whilst we endeavour to provide an accurate manual to help you get the most from system, we also appreciate how daunting pages of text can be, with this in mind, we have produced a short video, on Youtube® that gives you an overview of the system. Alternatively, check out the getting started page.

Please note that this section of the website is work in progress. The documentation may lag behind the actual software which is under active development.







Ice Ledger is fully MTD compliant which means you can not only generate your VAT return with a click of few buttons, you can also submit it electronically. Even if you are not using Ice Ledger as your accounting software, you can still use its MTD bridging feature to submit your VAT electronically.




Go paperless with the option to Print to Email, print or export documents & reports to a number of different file formats.



eCommerce & EPOS

Ice Ledger can easily integrate with an existing eCommerce website to process and ship online orders; please visit to see one such example.

The integrated EPOS feature allows workstations to function as checkout tills.



Software Development

We offer a software development service to add any additional features you may require that are specific to your business and for importing data from other applications and sources.

Sales Ledger

Sales Ledger


Manage Customer Details including bank details, address book, notes and logs. With easy access to statistical information such as Trading Figures, Account Activity and more.

Address Book for multiple customer branches / delivery locations, automatic Reminders when you access customer accounts, Notes to record important customer details, Logs for recording permanent notes that cannot be amended - for enhanced trust and security. Create, view, edit, print and seamlessly email Sales Invoices for goods and services.

Sales Quotes / Orders

Create Sales Quotes and Orders, Allocate Stock, Print documents such as Delivery Notes, Picking Lists and more.

Stock Allocation

Allocate Stock to Orders manually from specific batches or automatically from oldest stock.


Ship an Order, View, Print or Generate Invoices


Create Packaging List to aid export of Goods to EU and/or other countries

Invoices / Credit Notes

Create, Edit, Print and Email Sales Invoices and Credit Notes. Define repeat / recurring invoices for services or regular orders.

EPOS / Tills

Setup and operate workstations as EPOS terminals / tills.

Purchase Ledger

Purchase Ledger


Manage Supplier Accounts with the same rich functionality as the customers, above.

PO Enquiries

Create purchase enquiries to send to multiple suppliers and automatically analyse their replies to get best prices.

Purchase Orders

Create or generate purchase orders from enquiries.

Deliveries (GRN)

Match delivery details on Goods Received Notes to purchase orders and book received items in to stock.

Purchase Invoices

Create supplier purchase invoices from details in the original purchase orders & GRN and thus reduce manual labour and circumvent errors due to repeat manual data entry of lengthy supplier invoices.

Stock Control

Stock Control

Stock List

Manage Stock Record | Multiple prices | Quantity Based Discounts| BOM | Pre / Back Orders


View / analyse all stock sales / purchases and adjustments.

Pre Orders

Quick overview of stock items currently on sales orders with un-allocated stock i.e. pre / back orders.

Stock In

Book stock in, bypassing purchase order processing.

Stock Out

Book stock out, bypassing sales order processing.

Write Off

Scrap damaged or obsolete stock.


Increase the stock level in existing specific batches of stock.


Increase the stock level in existing specific batches of stock.


Move stock between depots. This option is available when number of depots are set to 2 or more in system configurations.


Integrated intrastat reporting for trading to and from Europe.




Customer Receipts

Record payments received from customers and match them against customer invoices and credit notes.

Supplier Payments

Record payments made to suppliers and match them against supplier invoices and credit notes.


Record payments received from sales and other sources for which sales invoices have not been created.


Record payments made for purchased goods and services for which there are no purchase invoices on the system.

Cancel Receipts

Cancel payments received from customers .

Cancel Payments

Cancel payments recorded for purchased goods / services.

Supplier Remittance

Create supplier payment remittance advice notes for payments submitted.

Contra Entries

Match payments you owe to suppliers against payments owed to you buy from and sell to the same company.

Nominal Ledger

Nominal Ledger

Audit Trail

View list of all transactions with extensive facilities to filter / search past transactions.

Nominal Codes

Create / Edit and Manage nominal codes together with Nominal Groups and Categories.


Facility to create Journal entries.

Cancel Journals

Cancel / reverse previously enetred Journal entries.

Cancel Transactions

Cancel posted transactions.

Bank Transfers

Transfer funds between multiple bank accounts including different currency bank accounts.

Bank Reconciliation

Reconcile bank statements with system entries.

VAT Return

Produce VAT return reports and submit your VAT returns using the integrated MTD (Making Tax Digital) feature. Also provide MTD bridging facility to submit your VAT that has been calculated using other applications, including Excel spread sheets.


Reports Editor


Create new & edit existing reports using the built-in full report designer.

Email Templates

Create standard emails using the built in email templates editor.


User Login


You can create multiple user accounts and grant them priveledges at the granular level based on their function / job requirements.

Opening Screen

Opening Screen

Top Menu

Provides access to all system options, subject to user access privileges.

Left Bar Menu

Main options, divided by system modules.

Home Button

Main options, divided by system modules.

Top Icons

Utilities / features that are widely accessible throughout the application.

Status Bar

Displays important system information.

Main Window

Displays company and registration information.



Tax Codes


Credit Status

Account Status

Credit Agencies


Multi-Currency with ability to easily define / set exchange rates.


Extinsive range of configurations to allow system customisation.

User Access

Multi-user system that allows you to control individual user access to module and sub-module level.



Data Processing Utility

Data processing utility that allows Data Import, Export and to Process bulk data. Also Unit Price Calculator to calculate unit price based on gross price of items priced in bulk quantities.

Multi Currency

Multi-Currency system with facilities for multiple bank accounts of differing currencies.

Multi User

Setup any number of user login accounts with separate, individual user access to different parts of the system.




Support| Frequently Asked Questions

eCommerce Web Shop

System is capable of being integrated into eCommerce websites to automatically download, process and ship sales orders.

Customer Relations Manager

Development planned


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