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Ice Ledger


This copy of Ice Ledger accounts system is fully functional, unrestricted and guaranteed to be free of adverts.

Online Installer

Online Installer will install Ice Ledger together with any dependencies required. This installer requires an Internet connection to enable the dependencies to be downloaded as and when required.

Offline Installer

Offline Installer comes with everything for installing Ice Ledger including the dependencies. If you don't have an internet connection on the PC you wish to install Ice Ledger on, then this is the installer you need.

Select Installer:

Last Updated: 17/01/2023 / Version

Ice Ledger requires Windows Vista/7/8.x/10. Windows XP is no longer supported.

Existing Data

If you already have data in an existing Sage or other accounts system, we may be able to help you get it ported to Ice Ledger. This is a chargeable service. In most cases, we can transfer customer, supplier, stock and nominal ledger details from existing systems. Contact support, providing full details of your existing system.

Installation of Ice Ledger

The installation program allows you to perform a standalone / server installation or a network workstation install. Below is a quick simple guide to install a standalone / server copy of Ice Ledger:

For a more detail guide of installing Ice Ledger, see our Quick Start guide.

  1. Once you have downloaded the installation program to your hard drive, remember the location of where you downloaded it to, browse to that location and double click on the file.
  2. Using your mouse, click on 'Next' to go through the wizard, answering the questions as you go through.
  3. Unless, there is a need to change, it is recommended that you accept the defaults for the Destination Folder etc. This will ensure a smoother installation process.
  4. Once you get to the 'Ready to Install' screen, you will be presented with a list dependencies that need to be downloaded and installed together with a list of the options you selected.
  5. When your ready, click on 'Install', sit back and let the software install. The installation process, including the installation of all the dependencies, can take some time depending on the additional dependencies that are needed, system and internet speed.
  6. After the install completes you should see a new icon (Ice Cube) on your desktop titled 'Ice Ledger'.
  7. This completes the installation of the software, which just leaves a small amount of configuration to be completed when Ice Ledger accounts system is run for the first time.
  8. When you are ready, Double Click on the 'Ice Ledger' icon to begin. You will be presented with a dialog to select which type of install your undertaking and to enter the Server Name and Instance you which to connect to.

    • If your installing Ice Ledger on a Single PC, or wish to make the current PC, the Server in a network environment, then leave the option set to Server / Standalone. The Server Name and Instance will automatically set to what the system thinks it should be.

      To continue, click the 'Test' button to see if you can connect to the Server, if 'Connected Successfully' appears above the button, then we can connect as expected, click on the 'Connect' button to continue. If the 'Test' fails to connect, review the Server Name and Instance and try again.

    • If you are wanting toinstall Ice Ledger to a second PC, select 'Workstation' and the name and Instance of the desired server.

      To continue, click the 'Test' button to see if you can connect to the Server, if 'Connected Successfully' appears above the button, then we can connect as expected, click on the 'Connect' button to continue. If the 'Test' fails to connect, review the Server Name and Instance and try again.

  9. Once you see the Login dialog, the configuration is complete and you can proceed to log into the system. The installation comes with a fictional company, Yorvic System Ltd already setup for you to be able to quickly try out the system. Ice Ledger also has the facility to copy any company data to a Demo Company for trying out dummy runs of any transactions that you may not be sure of. At the login screen, using the Select Company drop down menu, you can choose either the fictional company, Yorvic or its copy, _Demo. Both have the same login details. Login as: 'iceledger' as the Login Name and 'iceledger' as the password - these are both case sensitive.

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