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Ice Ledger: Report Designer


The Table control is designed to arrange information in a tabular layout. It may contain any number of Rows comprised of individual Cells. Both Rows and Cells can be selected and customized individually. In most aspects, a Cell is similar to a Label, but can also contain other controls (e.g. Picture Box or Rich Text).


When a Table is dropped onto a band from the Toolbox, it has one row and three columns. If you click and drag over several bands, the resulting table will be split by the bands into several tables. This creates a table header and the detail table with one mouse move.


When you drag and drop an entire data table from the Field List, a Table with cells bound to the corresponding data fields is created automatically.

A table's elements are managed by using its Context Menu.


The whole Table, or its individual Row or Cell can be selected either in the Report Designer, the Report Explorer or the drop-down selector of the Property Gris.

In the Property Grid, the Table's properties are divided into the following groups.

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