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Stock Revaluation

To adjust stock valuation, click the Revalue button on the toolbar in the Stock Items List View. To revalue 2 or more stock items, select the desired stock item rows (by holding down the Shift / Control keys and selecting rows) before clicking the Revalue button.

Stock Valuation

Alternatively, you can click the Revalue button on the toolbar in the Stock Items screen. Here, the Revaluation screen lists all individual batches that were purchased, for the selected item, for which there is still some stock left. For example:

Stock Item Re-Valuation

Revaluation Screen

You will be presented with the revaluation screen with a list of items that were selected.

The header section lists various price details for the records that are listed:

  • Oldest: This is the oldest cost price for the items that are listed.
  • Oldest: This is the oldest price in the list. This price and the record ID cell is highlighted with a green colour background.
  • Minimum: This is the minimum price with the corresponding record ID background highlighted in pink.
  • Average: Average cost price, calculated by the summing up the total costs of all individual items and dividing by the total quantity.
  • Maximum: This is the highest cost price with the corresponding record ID background highlighted in pale blue.
  • Latest: This is the latest cost price with the corresponding record ID background highlighted in pale yellow / gold.
  • Custom Set: You can enter the new unit value in this box and assign it to any one or more selected records by clicking on the Set button, below.
  • %age Change: You can enter a percentage change value in this box.
  • Decimals: Value change figures can be rounded to the number of decimal places specified here.

Use the set buttons below each box to set the value for one or more selected records.





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