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Data Tables

List of Tables

slSales Ledger - Customer Details
invSales Invoices - Header Details
inv_itmSales Invoices - Items Details
plPurchase Ledger - Supplier Details
stkStock Records / Details

accessdttmDate and time when the record was updated.I.e. user logged on / off
accessidUser Access Privileges, record ID
accessipWorkstation IP address
accessmodList of access to different system modules / options
accessonlineIs the user currently logged in
accesspwdUser login password or password hash value
accessstnWorkstation ID that the user is conencted on
accessusrUser Login Name - not case sensitive
adrbookaccrefCompany (blank) / Customer / Supplier Account reference
adrbookadr_descUser description: Accounts, HQ, Northern Office etc..
adrbookadr_nmCompany / Delivery Address Company Name
adrbookadr1Address Line 1
adrbookadr2Address Line 2
adrbookadr3Address Line 3
adrbookadr4Address Line 4
adrbookadr5Address Line 5
adrbookadrnAddress number, 1+
adrbookadrtyRecord Type, 0=Company, 1=Customer, 2=Supplier
adrbookadrtyAddress Type. 0=Delivery, 1=Contact, 2=Registered
adrbookccdCountry Code
adrbookcnt_nmContact Name
adrbookcnt_roleContact Role / Job Title
adrbookcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
adrbooke_mailE-mail Address
adrbookf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
adrbookfaxFax Number
adrbookmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
adrbookstrrefString account reference: Company (blank) / Customer / Supplier
adrbooktaxcdTax code
adrbooktelTelephone Number
adrbooktel2Other Telephone Number
adrbookvat_reg_noVat Registration number
auac_grossGross amount in alternative currency (Euros)
auac_rateEuro exchange rate
auaccrefSales/Purchase/Bank Account Reference
auamtpaidTotal amount paid (allocated against invoice/credit)
aubnk_amtGross amount (signed for use in bank statements)
aubnk_cdBank Account Reference
aubnk_nmBank Account Name
aubnk_rec_dtBank Reconciliation date
aucreatedDate and time when the record was created.
aucurr_idForeign currency ID
audtTransaction date
auduedtDue date
auf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
auf_paidTransaction paid flag - y/n
aufrgn_amtpaidTotal amount paid in foreign currency (allocated against invoice/credit)
aufrgn_bnk_amtGross amount in foreign currency (signed for use in bank statements)
aufrgn_grossGross amount in foreign currency (signed according to transaction type)
aufrgn_netNet amount in foreign currency (signed according to transaction type)
aufrgn_rateForeign currency exchange rate
aufrgn_taxTax amount in foreign currency (signed according to transaction type)
augrossGross amount (signed according to transaction type)
auidTransaction number
auidliveTransaction number 2 (for live transactions, idlive = id, for completed transactions idlive = -id)
auinv_refInvoice Reference Number
auinv_ref_nInvoice number
auitmNo of items recorded in table auitm
auleftAmount outstanding (against invoice/credit)
aumodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
aunetNet amount (signed according to transaction type)
aupmtAmount paid (as Sales Receipt/Purchase Payment/Payment on Account)
aus_paidTransaction disputed/paid status - */p/d*/dp
autax_amtTax amount (signed according to transaction type)
autyTransaction type
auusrUser name
auitmaccrefSales/Purchase/Bank Account Reference
auitmamtpaidTotal amount paid
auitmauidParent table ID,
auitmbnk_cdBank Account Reference
auitmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
auitmcurrcdCurrency code
auitmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
auitmf_paidTransaction paid flag - y/n
auitmfc_grossGross amount in foreign currency (signed according to transaction type)
auitmfc_netNet amount in foreign currency (signed according to transaction type)
auitmfc_taxTax amount in foreign currency (signed according to transaction type)
auitmgrossGross amount (signed according to transaction type)
auitmidAudit transaction items record ID
auitmitmrefItem specific short reference
auitmleftAmount outstanding (against invoice/credit)
auitmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
auitmncdNominal Code
auitmnetNet amount (signed according to transaction type)
auitmpmtAmount paid (as Sales Receipt/Purchase Payment)
auitmtax_amtTax amount (signed according to transaction type)
auitmtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
auitmtyTransaction type
auitmxrefCross reference ID of related item in this table,
binsbatchBatch reference
binsdocrefsComma delimited list of accompanying document references e.g. test certificates
binsdocsList of relative path names of document, stored on the system, 1 per line
binsgrnGoods received note record ID
binsidItem received storage bins / locations
binsl1Location / storage area 1
binsl2Location / storage area 2
binsl3Location / storage area 3
binsl4Location / storage area 4
binspoPurchase order ID
binsq_aloQuantity Allocated
binsq_desQuantity dispatched
binsq_stoQuantity stored in the bin / location
binsstkStock code reference
cacheupdidCache Update, record ID
cacheupdmodifiedTimestamp of when the data affected by this query was last modified
cacheupdrefQuery name / reference
cfgac_adr1Accountant address line 1
cfgac_adr2Accountant address line 2
cfgac_adr3Accountant address line 3
cfgac_adr4Accountant address line 4
cfgac_adr5Accountant address line 5
cfgac_ccdCountry Code
cfgac_cntContact Name / Accountant
cfgac_e_mailAccountant email address
cfgac_ediAccountant's EDI reference string
cfgac_faxAccountant fax number
cfgac_inFolder pathname for importing data from accountant
cfgac_nmAccountant Company Name
cfgac_outFolder pathname for exporting data for sending to accountant
cfgac_telAccountant telephone number
cfgac_urlAccountant web address
cfgadr1Company Address Line1
cfgadr2Company Address Line2
cfgadr3Company Address Line3
cfgadr4Company Address Line4
cfgadr5Company Address Line5
cfgb_eorEnd of report banner
cfgbugt_mMethod of budgeting
cfgccdCountry Code
cfgcntContact Name
cfgco_logoCompany logo file for use in printing documents with company logo
cfgconmCompany Name
cfgcr_refCredit Reference Number
cfgcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
cfgdadr1Delivery Address Line1
cfgdadr2Delivery Address Line2
cfgdadr3Delivery Address Line3
cfgdadr4Delivery Address Line4
cfgdadr5Delivery Address Line5
cfgdef_bugt_chartDefault chart of accounts used for budgeting
cfgdef_chartDefault Chart of Accounts
cfgdel_ccdDelivery Country Code
cfgdel_cntDelivery Address Company Name
cfgdel_e_mailDelivery E-Mail Address
cfgdel_faxDelivery Fax Number
cfgdel_nmDelivery Address Company Name
cfgdel_roleJob Title / Role
cfgdel_telDelivery Telephone Number
cfgdel_tel2Delivery Telephone Number 2
cfgdel_urlDelivery World Wide Web Address
cfgduns_noDUNS Number
cfge_mailE-Mail Address
cfgf_agebymthUse Calendar Month Aged Periods
cfgf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
cfgf_q2ordFlag denoting if quotes are to be converted to Sales Orders.
cfgf_till_inctaxCash register tax inclusive flag
cfgfaxFax Number
cfgfin_yrCurrent Financial Year
cfgidCompany Configurations
cfginv_crdnoUse Invoice numbering for Credit Notes
cfgletr1Default layout for Reminder Letter
cfgletr2Default layout for Warning Letter
cfgletr3Default layout for Legal Letter
cfgmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
cfgncd_endpmtAccruals Control Account
cfgncd_tempSuspense Control Account
cfgncdbad_debtsBad Debts Control Account
cfgncdcrdchrgCredit Charges Control Account
cfgncdcrdorsCreditors Control Account
cfgncddebtorsDebtors Control Account
cfgncddef_bnkDefault Bank Control Account
cfgncddef_salesDefault Sales Control Account
cfgncddiscnt_buyPurchase Discount Control Account
cfgncddiscnt_salesSales Discount Control Account
cfgncdkept_wagesRetained Earnings Control Account
cfgncdmispostsMispostings Control Account
cfgncdnlppPrepayments Control Account
cfgncdtax_buyPurchase Tax Control Account
cfgncdtax_salesSales Tax Control Account
cfgnon_vat_taxcdDefault tax code for non-VAT transactions
cfgnxt_crdnoNext Credit Note Number to be created
cfgnxt_invnoNext Invoice number to be created
cfgnxt_popnoNext POP number to be created
cfgnxt_quotenoNext quote number to be created
cfgnxt_sopnoNext SOP number to be created
cfgok_negstkAllow negative stock flag
cfgpdf_invPDF Invoice Template
cfgpdf_prnDefault PDF Printer
cfgpmt_due_buyDefault Payment Due Days for Purchase
cfgpmt_due_salesDefault Payment Due Days for Sales
cfgpuap1Purchase Aged Period 1 (days)
cfgpuap2Purchase Aged Period 2 (days)
cfgpuap3Purchase Aged Period 3 (days)
cfgpuap4Purchase Aged Period 4 (days)
cfgqty_dpNumber of decimal places for product quantities
cfgroleJob Title / Role
cfgsa_add_disc1Sales Additional Discount Percentage 1
cfgsa_add_disc10Sales Additional Discount Percentage 10
cfgsa_add_disc2Sales Additional Discount Percentage 2
cfgsa_add_disc3Sales Additional Discount Percentage 3
cfgsa_add_disc4Sales Additional Discount Percentage 4
cfgsa_add_disc5Sales Additional Discount Percentage 5
cfgsa_add_disc6Sales Additional Discount Percentage 6
cfgsa_add_disc7Sales Additional Discount Percentage 7
cfgsa_add_disc8Sales Additional Discount Percentage 8
cfgsa_add_disc9Sales Additional Discount Percentage 9
cfgsa_age_by_monthUse Calendar Month Aged Periods
cfgsa_aged_prd1Sales Aged Period 1 (days)
cfgsa_aged_prd2Sales Aged Period 2 (days)
cfgsa_aged_prd3Sales Aged Period 3 (days)
cfgsa_aged_prd4Sales Aged Period 4 (days)
cfgsa_amtsold1Sales Amount for Discount 1
cfgsa_amtsold10Sales Amount for Discount 10
cfgsa_amtsold2Sales Amount for Discount 2
cfgsa_amtsold3Sales Amount for Discount 3
cfgsa_amtsold4Sales Amount for Discount 4
cfgsa_amtsold5Sales Amount for Discount 5
cfgsa_amtsold6Sales Amount for Discount 6
cfgsa_amtsold7Sales Amount for Discount 7
cfgsa_amtsold8Sales Amount for Discount 8
cfgsa_amtsold9Sales Amount for Discount 9
cfgsl_disc1Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 1
cfgsl_disc10Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 10
cfgsl_disc2Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 2
cfgsl_disc3Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 3
cfgsl_disc4Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 4
cfgsl_disc5Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 5
cfgsl_disc6Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 6
cfgsl_disc7Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 7
cfgsl_disc8Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 8
cfgsl_disc9Sales percentage discount for invoice amount >= discount level 9
cfgsl_invamt1Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 1
cfgsl_invamt10Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 10
cfgsl_invamt2Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 2
cfgsl_invamt3Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 3
cfgsl_invamt4Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 4
cfgsl_invamt5Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 5
cfgsl_invamt6Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 6
cfgsl_invamt7Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 7
cfgsl_invamt8Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 8
cfgsl_invamt9Sales Invoice amount to qualify for discount level 9
cfgstart_monthStart Month of Financial Year (1-12)
cfgstkcat_labelStock Category Label
cfgtelTelephone Number
cfgtel2Telephone Number 2
cfgtill_bnkCash register bank nominal
cfgtill_sa_ncdCash register sales nominal
cfgtill_shortCash register discrepencies nominal
cfgtill_taxcdCash register tax code nominal
cfgunit_dpNumber of decimal places for product units
cfgurlWorld Wide Web Address
cfgvat_cashVAT Cash Accounting Flag
cfgvat_reg_noVAT Registration Number
cfg2dDecimal value / setting
cfg2dtlsShort description for the record in question
cfg2iInteger value / setting
cfg2id2nd configuration table for specific values
cfg2refSetting / configuration reference
cfg2tText / string value / setting
cfg2tyRecord type. N = Next number
cfgrtidConfigurations for Run-Time, record ID
cfgrtkeKey reference / name
cfgrtlstordList order
cfgrtnotesComments / Notes
cfgrtoptsWhich options are user editable with precedence order; Number of fields; Field titles
cfgrtrefReference: Workstation ID or User Login ID
cfgrttyConfiguration type, -1=Data specification, 0=Global, 1=User or 2=Workstation specific
cfgrtvluDelimited string, containing all data / values
chqrunamtpaidAmount being paid towards the item
chqrunbnknomBank account nominal code
chqrunchqamtTotal cheque amount for all items that the cheque reffers to
chqrunchqnoCheque number
chqrunchqrunCheque run number, generated automatically
chqrundtchqDate on the cheque or the date of the cheque run
chqrundtpostDate the this transaction was posted to the ledgers
chqrunidCheque run record ID
chqrunitmidPI item ID,
chqrunpostPayment posted flag. 0=No, 1=Yes
chqrunprnCheque printed flag, 0=No, 1=Yes
chqrunsurefSupplier account reference, pl.accref
colistco_codeCompany Database Name
colistco_nameCompany Name
colistdttmDate and time mode was set
colistidCompany Master database, List of Companies, Record ID, 0 = Demo company
colistmodeMode: 0=OK, 1=New Login disabled, 2=Single User Mode
colistmsgDetails / descriptive message
colistsecSecurity / user login enabled (Y) or blank
coliststnStation ID that initiated mode set
colistusrUser login ID that initiated mode set
concoidSelected company number / id
conconmSelected company name
condttmTime stamp of when the record was last updated
conidAccounts master database, currently connected users list
consessSession ID
consessWorkstation Session ID (1, 2, 3 etc..)
constnWorkstation ID that the user is conencting from
conusrUser login ID
currbcurIs the base currency
currcdCurrency code
currcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
currcurrsymCurrency symbol
currf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
currin_emuIs a member of the EMU
currmaj_cuMajor currency unit
currmin_cuMinor currency unit
currmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
currnmCurrency name
currnoCurrency number
currrateExchange Rate
fxd_assetb_ntvNet book value
fxd_assetbs_ncdBalance sheet nominal code
fxd_assetbuy_dtDate of purchase
fxd_assetbuy_refSupplier / purchase reference
fxd_assetcatCategory number
fxd_assetcprCost price
fxd_assetcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
fxd_assetdep_cdDepreciation method code 1=Linear, 2=Reducing, 3=Written off
fxd_assetdep_descDepreciation method description
fxd_assetdep_lastAmount of last depreciation
fxd_assetdep_nxtAmount of next depreciation
fxd_assetdep_rateDepreciation rate
fxd_assetdep_to_dtAmount depreciated to date
fxd_assetdept_nmDepartment name
fxd_assetdeptnoDepartment number
fxd_assetdtls1Details 1
fxd_assetdtls2Details 2
fxd_assetdtls3Details 3
fxd_assetf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
fxd_assetidFixed assets list record ID
fxd_assetlocLocation / employee details that the asset is assigned to e.g. laptop
fxd_assetmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
fxd_assetpl_ncdProfit and Loss nominal code
fxd_assetrefFixed asset reference
fxd_assetsrlnoSerial number
fxd_assettotmthTotal number of months that the depreciation have been applied
fxd_assetvalstartAsset value at start of depreciation year
fxd_assetvluNet asset value
gdn_itmaccrefSales Account Reference
gdn_itmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
gdn_itmcu_gdnCustomer's Goods Delivered Number
gdn_itmdtDate Goods Received
gdn_itmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
gdn_itmf_prnPrinted flag - 1/0
gdn_itmgdnGoods Despatch Note Number
gdn_itmidGoods despatch note record id
gdn_itminfoStock Description
gdn_itmitm_noItem number within Despatch Note
gdn_itmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
gdn_itmord_itmItem number within Sales Order
gdn_itmordnoSales Order Number
gdn_itmqty_despedQuantity Despatched
gdn_itmqty_on_ordQuantity on order
gdn_itmstkcdStock Code
grn_itmaccrefPurchase Account Reference
grn_itmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
grn_itmdocsList of documents, relative path name of files, 1 per line
grn_itmdtDate Goods Received
grn_itmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
grn_itmgrnGRN Number
grn_itmidGoods received note - items list
grn_itminfoStock Description
grn_itmitm_noItem number within GRN
grn_itmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
grn_itmord_itmItem number within Purchase Order
grn_itmordnoPurchase Order Number
grn_itmqty_on_ordQuantity on order
grn_itmqty_rcvQuantity Received
grn_itmstkcdStock Code
grn_itmsu_grnSupplier's GRN Number
Back to Top | Invoice Items
Invoice Header Details
invac_grossGross amount in alternative currency (Euros)
invac_rateAlternative currency (Euro) exchange rate
invaccrefAccount reference
invadr1Address line 1
invadr2Address line 2
invadr3Address line 3
invadr4Address line 4
invadr5Address line 5
invbnk_refBank account used for payment
invcarr_dept_nmCarriage department name
invcarr_deptnoCarriage department number
invcarr_grossCarriage gross amount (carriage net + carriage tax)
invcarr_ncdCarriage nominal code
invcarr_netCarriage net amount
invcarr_taxCarriage tax amount
invcarr_taxcdCarriage tax code (T0 to T99)
invcnt_nmContact name
invcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
invcu_rdiscCustomer percentage discount rate
invcu_telCustomer's telephone number
invcurrWhich foreign currency
invcurr_tyForeign or Euro currency
invcust_ordnoCustomer's order number
invd_deptnoGlobal department number
invdadr1Delivery address line 1
invdadr2Delivery address line 2
invdadr3Delivery address line 3
invdadr4Delivery address line 4
invdadr5Delivery address line 5
invdel_nmDelivery name
invdelco_nmCourier Name
invdelco_noCourier Number
invdelrefConsignment Reference
invdocnmInvoice/Credit/Quote/Proforma label
invduns_noDUNS Number
inveidEvent ID, if this is a scheduled repeated invoice
inveseqEvent sequence number i.e. if repeated, repeat sequence number, 1 onwards
invf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
invf_prnPrinted flag: o = No, 1 = Yes
invfrgn_carr_grossCarriage gross amount (carriage net + carriage tax) - foreign currency
invfrgn_deltaxCarriage tax amount - foreign currency
invfrgn_itmsgrossGross amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
invfrgn_itmsnetNet amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
invfrgn_itmstaxTax amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
invfrgn_netCarriage net amount - foreign currency
invfrgn_prepaidAmount prepaid - foreign currency
invfrgn_rateForeign exchange rate
invfrgn_stlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction) - foreign currency
invfrgn_stlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount - foreign currency
invfrgninv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and carriage gross) - foreign currency
invfrgninv_netInvoice net amount (goods and carriage net) - foreign currency
invfrgninv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and carriage tax) - foreign currency
invg_deptGlobal department name
invg_dtlsGlobal details
invg_ncdGlobal nominal code
invg_taxcdGlobal tax code (T0 to T99)
invidSales Invoices, record ID. 0=Default settings for new records
invinv_dtInvoice Date
invinv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and carriage gross)
invinv_netInvoice net amount (goods and carriage net)
invinv_noInvoice number
invinv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and carriage tax)
invinv_tyInvoice type description
invinv_tycdInvoice type code 1=Invoice, 2=Credit Note
invitmsgrossGross amount (goods but not carriage)
invitmsnetNet amount (goods but not carriage)
invitmstaxTax amount (goods but not carriage)
invmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
invnet1Net amount at highest tax rate
invnet2Net amount at second highest tax rate
invnet3Net amount at third highest tax rate
invnet4Net amount at fourth highest tax rate
invnet5Net amount at fifth highest tax rate
invnotes1Notes 1
invnotes2Notes 2
invnotes3Notes 3
invntvd_descNet value discount description
invntvd_netNet value discount value (foreign currency)
invntvd_net_baseNet value discount (base currency)
invntvd_note1Net value discount comment 1
invntvd_note2Net value discount comment 2
invntvd_rateNet value discount percentage
invordnoCorresponding order number
invpmt_refPayment reference
invpmt_tyPayment Type: 0 - Already received. 3 - SR. 4 - SA.
invpostPosted flag - 1/0
invprepaidAmount prepaid
invproj_idID of linked Project
invq_expdtQuote expiry date
invrecur_refRecurring entry reference
invs_quoteQuote status
invsid_quoteQuote status Id
invsop_dtSOP Date
invsop_sidSOP status Id
invsop_statusSOP status
invstlm_daysSettlement days
invstlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction)
invstlm_discrSettlement discount % rate
invstlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount
invtax_amt1Tax amount at highest tax rate
invtax_amt2Tax amount at second highest tax rate
invtax_amt3Tax amount at third highest tax rate
invtax_amt4Tax amount at fourth highest tax rate
invtax_amt5Tax amount at fifth highest tax rate
invtax_rate1Highest tax rate
invtax_rate2Second highest tax rate
invtax_rate3Third highest tax rate
invtax_rate4Fourth highest tax rate
invtax_rate5Fifth highest tax rate
invtaxcd1Tax code (T0 to T99)
invtaxcd2Tax code (T0 to T99)
invtaxcd3Tax code (T0 to T99)
invtaxcd4Tax code (T0 to T99)
invtaxcd5Tax code (T0 to T99)
invusrOrder taken by
invvlu_disc_rateValue based discount rate
Back to Top | Invoice Header Details
Invoice Items Details
inv_itmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
inv_itmdel_dtDelivery date
inv_itmdept_nmDepartment name
inv_itmdeptnoDepartment number
inv_itmdisc_opPercentage discount rate given by the operator
inv_itmdisc_qtyQuantity based percentage discount rate
inv_itmdiscamtDiscount amount
inv_itmec_vat_info_idThe unique ID of the EC VAT Description applied to this item line
inv_itmext_ord_line_refExternal Order Line Ref for SOP to Invoice Link
inv_itmext_ord_refExternal Order Ref for SOP to Invoice Link
inv_itmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
inv_itmf_srvService invoice/credit flag
inv_itmfrgn_discamtDiscount amount - foreign currency
inv_itmfrgn_full_netFull net amount (before discount) - foreign currency
inv_itmfrgn_grossGross amount (net after discount + tax) - foreign currency
inv_itmfrgn_netNet amount (after discount) - foreign currency
inv_itmfrgn_taxTax amount - foreign currency
inv_itmfrgn_uprUnit price - foreign currency
inv_itmfull_netFull net amount (before discount)
inv_itmgrossGross amount (net after discount + tax)
inv_itmidSales Invoice Items, record ID. 0=Default settings for new records
inv_itminv_noInvoice reference number
inv_itmitm_noItem number
inv_itmitmidItem ID
inv_itmjob_noJob number
inv_itmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
inv_itmncdNominal code
inv_itmnegotiation_disc_netNegotiation discount net (foreign currency)
inv_itmnegotiation_disc_net_baseNegotiation discount net (base currency)
inv_itmnetNet amount (after discount)
inv_itmnote1Comment 1
inv_itmnote2Comment 2
inv_itmparam1Customer specific item parameter 1 e.g. Length, height, width
inv_itmparam2Customer specific item parameter 2 e.g. Length, height, width
inv_itmparam3Customer specific item parameter 3 e.g. Length, height, width
inv_itmparam4Customer specific item parameter 4 e.g. colour, texture, shape
inv_itmparam5Customer specific item parameter 5 e.g. colour, texture, shape,
inv_itmparam6Customer specific item parameter 6 e.g. colour, texture, shape,
inv_itmprbandSelected price band 1 - 4,
inv_itmr_discDiscount percentage rate applied to items,
inv_itmsellprSale price,
inv_itmsellpr2Sale price 2,
inv_itmsellpr3Sale price 3,
inv_itmsellpr4Sale price 4,
inv_itmtax_amtTax amount,
inv_itmtax_rateTax rate,
inv_itmtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99),
inv_itmtaxcd_idTax code,
inv_itmtxtService invoice/credit text,
inv_itmuprUnit price,
inv_itmusaleUnit of sale
inv_itmuwtUnit weight
isauditamtGoods value, rounded up to the nearest GBP or Euro
isauditdocnoDocument number, so, po, sales invoice, purchase invoice
isauditdtDate the items were shipped or received for reporting
isauditfromEU country code that the goods are sent from
isauditidIntrastat transactions audit file record ID
isauditioidInput / Output record ID (SOP / POP)
isauditnmShort name / description for period return
isauditnotc2-Digit nature of transaction code, specific values, see Lists: IstatNoTC
isauditqtyQuantity received / shipped
isauditstatusRecord status. 0=Not processed, 1=Included in a report, 2=Submitted in report i.e. complete
isauditstkcdStock code / reference
isauditstknmStock item description
isauditsuIntrastat supplementary units
isaudittermsDelivery terms, see Lists: IstatTerms
isaudittoEU country code that the goods are sent to
isaudittyTransaction type. 1=Received, 2=Sent
isauditwtTotal net weight of items, rounded up to the nearest Kg
iscccnkeyIntrastat commodity code
iscccnkeyIntrastat commodity code components
isccdashesNumber of dashes
isccdepthNesting depth / lenel
isccidIntrastat commodity codes list
lang_ukidLanguage File for UK, record ID
listsdtaList data delimited by ~
listsidSystem and User definable drop down lists, record ID
listsinfoHelp / Information about list
listslistShort name / reference for list
listsmodifiedDate and time when the record was updated.
listsnoList item number / sort order; -1=Header details
liststbl1 = save the list as a table as well
manufadr1Account Address Line1
manufadr2Account Address Line2
manufadr3Account Address Line3
manufadr4Account Address Line4
manufadr5Account Address Line5
manufccdCountry Code
manufcnt_nmContact Name
manufconmAccount Name
manufe_mailE-Mail Address
manuffaxFax Number
manufidManufacturer record ID. 0=Default settings for new records
manufidclassClass ID (see Lists.ManufClass)
manufqty_sold_bfBrought forward quantity sold
manufqty_sold_fuFuture quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m1Month 1 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m10Month 10 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m11Month 11 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m12Month 12 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m2Month 2 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m3Month 3 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m4Month 4 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m5Month 5 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m6Month 6 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m7Month 7 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m8Month 8 quantity sold
manufqty_sold_m9Month 9 quantity sold
manufrefAccount Reference
manuftelTelephone Number
manuftel2Telephone Number (2)
manuftrade_cntTrade Contact
manufurlWorld Wide Web Address
modulesfFeature ID, user to group different options together
moduleshidHelp ID / Short Name
modulesidList of System Modules, the order in which the modules / options are listed in user access
moduleslevelModule / option cascade / indent level
modulesmDoes manager have access to this menu / option
modulesmidOption / Module ID, used in application to determine system access
modulesnmName or description of module / option
modulesordList / sort order - for development only, not used in app
modulestyModule type / short description, for documentation only - not used in app
nlaccrefAccount Code
nlacctyAccount Type Code
nlbal_fuBalance for Future
nlbalbfBalance Brought forward
nlbalmth1Balance Month 1
nlbalmth10Balance Month 10
nlbalmth11Balance Month 11
nlbalmth12Balance Month 12
nlbalmth2Balance Month 2
nlbalmth3Balance Month 3
nlbalmth4Balance Month 4
nlbalmth5Balance Month 5
nlbalmth6Balance Month 6
nlbalmth7Balance Month 7
nlbalmth8Balance Month 8
nlbalmth9Balance Month 9
nlbugt_m1Budget Month 1
nlbugt_m10Budget Month 10
nlbugt_m11Budget Month 11
nlbugt_m12Budget Month 12
nlbugt_m2Budget Month 2
nlbugt_m3Budget Month 3
nlbugt_m4Budget Month 4
nlbugt_m5Budget Month 5
nlbugt_m6Budget Month 6
nlbugt_m7Budget Month 7
nlbugt_m8Budget Month 8
nlbugt_m9Budget Month 9
nlcr_bfCredit Brought Forward
nlcr_fuCredit for Future
nlcr_m1Credit Month 1
nlcr_m10Credit Month 10
nlcr_m11Credit Month 11
nlcr_m12Credit Month 12
nlcr_m2Credit Month 2
nlcr_m3Credit Month 3
nlcr_m4Credit Month 4
nlcr_m5Credit Month 5
nlcr_m6Credit Month 6
nlcr_m7Credit Month 7
nlcr_m8Credit Month 8
nlcr_m9Credit Month 9
nlcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
nldbt_bfDebit Brought Forward
nldbt_fuDebit for Future
nldbt_m1Debit Month 1
nldbt_m10Debit Month 10
nldbt_m11Debit Month 11
nldbt_m12Debit Month 12
nldbt_m2Debit Month 2
nldbt_m3Debit Month 3
nldbt_m4Debit Month 4
nldbt_m5Debit Month 5
nldbt_m6Debit Month 6
nldbt_m7Debit Month 7
nldbt_m8Debit Month 8
nldbt_m9Debit Month 9
nlf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
nlidNominal Ledger, record ID
nllastyr_m1Prior Year Month 1
nllastyr_m10Prior Year Month 10
nllastyr_m11Prior Year Month 11
nllastyr_m12Prior Year Month 12
nllastyr_m2Prior Year Month 2
nllastyr_m3Prior Year Month 3
nllastyr_m4Prior Year Month 4
nllastyr_m5Prior Year Month 5
nllastyr_m6Prior Year Month 6
nllastyr_m7Prior Year Month 7
nllastyr_m8Prior Year Month 8
nllastyr_m9Prior Year Month 9
nllastyr2_m1Prior Year 2 Month 1
nllastyr2_m10Prior Year 2 Month 10
nllastyr2_m11Prior Year 2 Month 11
nllastyr2_m12Prior Year 2 Month 12
nllastyr2_m2Prior Year 2 Month 2
nllastyr2_m3Prior Year 2 Month 3
nllastyr2_m4Prior Year 2 Month 4
nllastyr2_m5Prior Year 2 Month 5
nllastyr2_m6Prior Year 2 Month 6
nllastyr2_m7Prior Year 2 Month 7
nllastyr2_m8Prior Year 2 Month 8
nllastyr2_m9Prior Year 2 Month 9
nllastyr3_m1Prior Year 3 Month 1
nllastyr3_m10Prior Year 3 Month 10
nllastyr3_m11Prior Year 3 Month 11
nllastyr3_m12Prior Year 3 Month 12
nllastyr3_m2Prior Year 3 Month 2
nllastyr3_m3Prior Year 3 Month 3
nllastyr3_m4Prior Year 3 Month 4
nllastyr3_m5Prior Year 3 Month 5
nllastyr3_m6Prior Year 3 Month 6
nllastyr3_m7Prior Year 3 Month 7
nllastyr3_m8Prior Year 3 Month 8
nllastyr3_m9Prior Year 3 Month 9
nllastyr4_m1Prior Year 4 Month 1
nllastyr4_m10Prior Year 4 Month 10
nllastyr4_m11Prior Year 4 Month 11
nllastyr4_m12Prior Year 4 Month 12
nllastyr4_m2Prior Year 4 Month 2
nllastyr4_m3Prior Year 4 Month 3
nllastyr4_m4Prior Year 4 Month 4
nllastyr4_m5Prior Year 4 Month 5
nllastyr4_m6Prior Year 4 Month 6
nllastyr4_m7Prior Year 4 Month 7
nllastyr4_m8Prior Year 4 Month 8
nllastyr4_m9Prior Year 4 Month 9
nllastyr5_m1Prior Year 5 Month 1
nllastyr5_m10Prior Year 5 Month 10
nllastyr5_m11Prior Year 5 Month 11
nllastyr5_m12Prior Year 5 Month 12
nllastyr5_m2Prior Year 5 Month 2
nllastyr5_m3Prior Year 5 Month 3
nllastyr5_m4Prior Year 5 Month 4
nllastyr5_m5Prior Year 5 Month 5
nllastyr5_m6Prior Year 5 Month 6
nllastyr5_m7Prior Year 5 Month 7
nllastyr5_m8Prior Year 5 Month 8
nllastyr5_m9Prior Year 5 Month 9
nlmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
nlquick_ratioAccount in Quick Ratio
nlsofa_idSofa Category ID
nlbataccrefCustomer / supplier account reference
nlbatbnkrefBank account nominal code
nlbatcurr_idCurrency ID
nlbatdomDay of month (1 - 31) for repeat / scheduled entries
nlbatdtTransaction date
nlbatdt_endLast date that this entry will be executed on
nlbatdt_startDate that this entry will commence on
nlbatdtlsAdditional transaction details / description
nlbatexpncdExpense related nominal code
nlbatextrefExternal short reference customer / supplier / transaction
nlbatf_actIs this entry active flag
nlbatf_jdjcTransactions are Journal Debits / Credits
nlbatf_noenddtThere is no scheduled end date flag. Active till cancelled.
nlbatf_schIs this entry schduled flag
nlbatf_usrThis list name is user defined. 0=System, 1=Used Defined
nlbatidNominal ledger batch entries record ID
nlbatlast_dtDate that this entry was last processed
nlbatn_doneNumber of times this entry has been processed
nlbatn_prdNumber of periods (prd_ty) between repeat intervals
nlbatn_totTotal number of time the entry will be repeated
nlbatnetNet amount in selected currency
nlbatnmShort name for the batch entry list
nlbatnoteFree text note as a reminder - for user use only
nlbatnxt_dtNext scheduled date that this entry will be processed on
nlbatprd_tyRepeat period type for this entry: 1=days, 2=weeks, 3=months, 4=years
nlbatrefInternal (our) short reference
nlbattaxcdTax code
nlbattyTransaction type: SI, SC, PI, PC, SA, PA, JD, JC etc..
nlcatcatnmNL category name
nlcatidNL template categories
nlcattidNL template ID,
nlcattyNL Account category type, Bank, Debtors, Creditors, Sales, Purchases etc..
nlgrpactyNominal code account type / control account
nlgrpcidNL Category ID,
nlgrpgrpnmNL group name
nlgrphiHighest NL account for this category
nlgrpidNL groups
nlgrploLowest NL account for this category
nlgrptidNL template ID,
nltplidList of Nominal Ledger Templates
nltpltplnmTemplate name / description
piac_rateAlternative currency (Euro) exchange rate
piaccrefSupplier account regerence, pl.accref
piadr1Address line 1
piadr2Address line 2
piadr3Address line 3
piadr4Address line 4
piadr5Address line 5
pibc_tot_costBase currency total cost including bank charges, currency conversion charges etc..
picarr_grossdelivery gross amount (delivery net + delivery tax)
picarr_ncdDelivery nominal code
picarr_netdelivery net amount
picarr_taxdelivery tax amount
picarr_tax_rateDelivery tax rate
picarr_taxcdDelivery tax code
picnt_nmContact name
picreatedDate and time when the record was created.
picurrWhich foreign currency
pidel_dtDelivery date
pidocnmPurchase Invoice / Purchase Credit
pidue_dtPayment due date (Invoice date plus supplier terms)
piex_rateForeign exchange rate
pif_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
pif_postPosted flag - y or blank
pif_prnPrinted flag - y or blank
pifrgn_carr_grossdelivery gross amount (delivery net + delivery tax) - foreign currency
pifrgn_deltaxdelivery tax amount - foreign currency
pifrgn_itmsgrossGross amount (goods but not delivery) - foreign currency
pifrgn_itmsnetNet amount (goods but not delivery) - foreign currency
pifrgn_itmstaxTax amount (goods but not delivery) - foreign currency
pifrgn_netdelivery net amount - foreign currency
pifrgninv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and delivery gross) - foreign currency
pifrgninv_netInvoice net amount (goods and delivery net) - foreign currency
pifrgninv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and delivery tax) - foreign currency
piidPurchase Invoice record ID
piinv_dtInvoice Date
piinv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and delivery gross)
piinv_netInvoice net amount (goods and delivery net)
piinv_noPurchase Orders record ID
piinv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and delivery tax)
piinv_tyInvoice type. 1=Purchase Invoice, 2=Purchase Credit
piinv_tycdPI / PC
piinvrefSupplier PI number / reference
piitmsgrossGross amount (goods but not delivery)
piitmsnetNet amount (goods but not delivery)
piitmstaxTax amount (goods but not delivery)
pimodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
pinmSupplier company name
piordnoOur order number
pitelSupplier's telephone number
pitmpTemp field for possible use during data import or any other unspecified purpose
piusrUser login id
pi_itmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
pi_itmdept_nmDepartment name
pi_itmdeptnoDepartment number
pi_itmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
pi_itmfrgn_grossGross amount (net after discount + tax) - foreign currency
pi_itmfrgn_netNet amount (after discount) - foreign currency
pi_itmfrgn_taxTax amount - foreign currency
pi_itmfrgn_uprUnit price - foreign currency
pi_itmgrossGross amount (net after discount + tax)
pi_itmidPurchase Invoice Items record ID
pi_itmitm_noItem number
pi_itmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
pi_itmncdNominal code
pi_itmnetNet amount (after discount)
pi_itmqtyQuantity ordered
pi_itmstk_descItem Description
pi_itmstkcdStock code
pi_itmtaxTax amount
pi_itmtax_rateTax rate
pi_itmtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
pi_itmtmpTemp field for possible use during data import or any other unspecified purpose
pi_itmuprUnit price

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Purchase Ledger / Supplier Details
placcholdAccount On Hold
placcrefAccount Reference
pladr1Account Address Line1
pladr2Account Address Line2
pladr3Account Address Line3
pladr4Account Address Line4
pladr5Account Address Line5
plagnc_cdCredit Bureau code
plbacs_refBACS Reference for Electronic Transfer
plbalanceAccount balance
plbnk_accnBank Account Number
plbnk_adr1Bank Address Line1
plbnk_adr2Bank Address Line2
plbnk_adr3Bank Address Line3
plbnk_adr4Bank Address Line4
plbnk_adr5Bank Address Line5
plbnk_bicBIC/SWIFT Code
plbnk_ibanIBAN Number
plbnk_nmBank Name
plbnk_nmBank Account Name
plbnk_ref1Additional References
plbnk_ref2Additional References
plbnk_ref3Additional References
plbnk_rnRoll number
plbnk_scdBank Sort Code
plccdCountry Code
plchqrunbalCheque run balance
plcnt_nmContact Name
plconmAccount Name
plcr_bfCredits Brought Forward
plcr_cfCredits Carry Forward
plcr_limitCredit Limit
plcr_m1Credits Month 1
plcr_m10Credits Month 10
plcr_m11Credits Month 11
plcr_m12Credits Month 12
plcr_m2Credits Month 2
plcr_m3Credits Month 3
plcr_m4Credits Month 4
plcr_m5Credits Month 5
plcr_m6Credits Month 6
plcr_m7Credits Month 7
plcr_m8Credits Month 8
plcr_m9Credits Month 9
plcr_posCredit Position
plcr_poscdCredit Position Code
plcr_refCredit Reference
plcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
pldadr1Delivery Address Line1
pldadr2Delivery Address Line2
pldadr3Delivery Address Line3
pldadr4Delivery Address Line4
pldadr5Delivery Address Line5
pldef_fidDefault Fund Number
pldef_ncdDefault Nominal Code
pldef_taxcdDefault tax code (T0 to T99)
pldel_cntnmDelivery Contact Name
pldel_faxDelivery Fax Number
pldel_nmDelivery Name
pldel_telDelivery Telephone Number
pldept_nmDepartment Name
pldeptnoDepartment Number
pldt_accnt_opnDate Account Opened
pldt_cr_appDate of Credit Application
pldt_cr_rcvDate Credit Application Received
pldt_nrevDate of Next Credit Review
plduns_noDUNS Number
ple_mailE-Mail Address
pledi_accUnique Mailbox ID / reference for Document Exchange - alpha numeric string, (converted to lower case)
plf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
plf_nomailMail On Hold
plf_termsokTerms Agreed Flag
plfaxFax Number
plhndpHircarra network delivery point ? 0=None, 1=email, 2=EDI
plidPurchase Ledger record ID. 0=Default settings for new records
plinv_bfInvoices Brought Forward
plinv_cfInvoices Carry Forward
plinv_dt1Date of First Invoice
plinv_m1Invoices Month 1
plinv_m10Invoices Month 10
plinv_m11Invoices Month 11
plinv_m12Invoices Month 12
plinv_m2Invoices Month 2
plinv_m3Invoices Month 3
plinv_m4Invoices Month 4
plinv_m5Invoices Month 5
plinv_m6Invoices Month 6
plinv_m7Invoices Month 7
plinv_m8Invoices Month 8
plinv_m9Invoices Month 9
pllast_inv_dtLast Invoice Date
pllast_pmt_amtLast Payment Amount
pllast_pmt_dtDate of Last Payment
pllastyrTurnover Last Year
pllrev_dtDate of Last Credit Review
plmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
plnotesGeneral text memo / notes
plok2chrgCredit Charges (interest) can be applied by this Account
ploverride_taxcdOverride stock tax code in invoicing
plpdf_invFlag to indicate that invoices should be printed as PDF files
plpdf_stmFlag to indicate that statements should be printed as PDF files
plpmt_bfPayments Brought Forward
plpmt_cfPayments Carry Forward
plpmt_due_daysPayment Due Days
plpmt_m1Payments Month 1
plpmt_m10Payments Month 10
plpmt_m11Payments Month 11
plpmt_m12Payments Month 12
plpmt_m2Payments Month 2
plpmt_m3Payments Month 3
plpmt_m4Payments Month 4
plpmt_m5Payments Month 5
plpmt_m6Payments Month 6
plpmt_m7Payments Month 7
plpmt_m8Payments Month 8
plpmt_m9Payments Month 9
plpmt_mode_idUnique ID of the payment method used by this account
plr_discDiscount Rate
plr_pwdPassword used to encrypt secure PDFs
plrep1Analysis 1
plrep2Analysis 2
plrep3Analysis 3
pls_noStatus Number
pls_txtStatus Text
plsaid_pdtDate on which the last promise to pay was made.
plsaid_pmtLatest amount promised to be paid.
plstlm_daysSettlement Due Days to be eligible fro discount
plstlm_discrSettlement Discount Rate
pltelTelephone Number
pltel2Telephone Number (2)
plto_mtdTurnover Month To Date
plto_ytdTurnover Year To Date
pltrade_cntTrade Contact
plurlWorld Wide Web Address
pluse_bacsFlag to Use BACS Reference
pluse_bsocFlag to Use Building Society Reference
plvat_reg_noVAT Registration Number
plx_docsExchange documents electronically
poac_grossGross amount in alternative currency
poac_rateAlternative currency (Euro) exchange rate
poaccrefAccount reference
poadr1Address line 1
poadr2Address line 2
poadr3Address line 3
poadr4Address line 4
poadr5Address line 5
pobnk_refBank account used for payment
pocarr_dept_nmdelivery department name
pocarr_grossdelivery gross amount (delivery net + delivery tax)
pocarr_ncddelivery nominal code
pocarr_netdelivery net amount
pocarr_taxdelivery tax amount
pocarr_taxcddelivery tax code (T0 to T99)
pocnt_nmContact name
pocreatedDate and time when the record was created.
pocurrWhich foreign currency
pocurr_tyForeign or Euro currency
podadr1Delivery address line 1
podadr2Delivery address line 2
podadr3Delivery address line 3
podadr4Delivery address line 4
podadr5Delivery address line 5
podel_dtDelivery date
podel_nmDelivery name
podel_tax_ratedelivery tax rate
podelco_nmCourier Name
podelco_noCourier Number
podeldeptdelivery department number
podelrefConsignment Reference
poduns_noDUNS Number
poex_rateForeign exchange rate
pof_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
pof_prnPrinted flag - y or blank
pof_prnPrinted flag - 1/0
pofrgn_carr_grossdelivery gross amount (delivery net + delivery tax) - foreign currency
pofrgn_deltaxdelivery tax amount - foreign currency
pofrgn_itmsgrossGross amount (goods but not delivery) - foreign currency
pofrgn_itmsnetNet amount (goods but not delivery) - foreign currency
pofrgn_itmstaxTax amount (goods but not delivery) - foreign currency
pofrgn_netdelivery net amount - foreign currency
pofrgn_stlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction) - foreign currency
pofrgn_stlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount - foreign currency
pofrgninv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and delivery gross) - foreign currency
pofrgninv_netInvoice net amount (goods and delivery net) - foreign currency
pofrgninv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and delivery tax) - foreign currency
poidPurchase Orders record ID
poinv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and delivery gross)
poinv_netInvoice net amount (goods and delivery net)
poinv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and delivery tax)
poitmsgrossGross amount (goods but not delivery)
poitmsnetNet amount (goods but not delivery)
poitmstaxTax amount (goods but not delivery)
pomodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
ponet1Net amount at highest tax rate
ponet2Net amount at second highest tax rate
ponet3Net amount at third highest tax rate
ponet4Net amount at fourth highest tax rate
ponet5Net amount at fifth highest tax rate
ponotes1Notes 1
ponotes2Notes 2
ponotes3Notes 3
poord_dtOrder Date
poord_qOrder/Quote label
poordnoOrder number
popmt_refPayment reference
popmt_tyPayment Type: 0 - Already received. 3 - SR. 4 - SA.
popostPosted flag - y or blank
popost_cdPosted flag - 1/0
porecur_refRecurring entry reference
pos_delDelivery status description
pos_invInvoice status description
pos_ordOrder status description
posid_delDelivery status code
posid_invInvoice status code
posid_ordOrder status code
posid_quoteQuote status Id
postlm_daysEarly settlement period in days
postlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction)
postlm_discrEarly settlement discount % rate
postlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount
posu_discrSupplier Discount
posu_ordSupplier's order number
posu_telSupplier's telephone number
potax_amt1Tax amount at highest tax rate
potax_amt2Tax amount at second highest tax rate
potax_amt3Tax amount at third highest tax rate
potax_amt4Tax amount at fourth highest tax rate
potax_amt5Tax amount at fifth highest tax rate
potax_rate1Highest tax rate
potax_rate2Second highest tax rate
potax_rate3Third highest tax rate
potax_rate4Fourth highest tax rate
potax_rate5Fifth highest tax rate
pousrOrder taken by
poe_itmsbuyThis item is ready for purchasing. 1=Buy, 2=Has been ordered
poe_itmscostUnit cost price in base currency for selected supplier
poe_itmsdeptDepartment ID / number
poe_itmsidPO Enquiery Items, record ID
poe_itmsitmItem Number
poe_itmslpdtLast purchase date
poe_itmslpprLast purchase price, if none then user entered estimated cost
poe_itmsnoteAny additional notes for each item
poe_itmspoeidPurchase Order Enquiry ID,
poe_itmspoidPurchase order ID
poe_itmsqtyQuantity required
poe_itmsqty_ordQuantity Ordered
poe_itmsstatusItem status, 0=Not Ordered, 1=Part Ordered (added to PO), 3=Full or greater qty added to PO
poe_itmsstkdescItem description of item, stk.stk_desc
poe_itmsstkidStock ID,
poe_itmsstkrefStock reference, stk.ref
poe_itmssupReference of supplier that has been selected to supply the item, pl.accref
poe_itmssuplistRanked delimited list of suppliers
poe_prcostUnit cost price in supplier curency (poe_sup.curr)
poe_prcost2Unit cost price in base currency
poe_prcurrCurrency code
poe_pridPO Enquiry prices quoted by different suppliers
poe_prplidPurchase Ledger / Supplier ID,
poe_prpoeidPurchase Order Enquiry ID,
poe_prpoeiidPO Enquiry Items ID,
poe_prqtyQuantity offered if different from requested
poe_prrankSupplier rank, 1=lowest cost, 98=highest cost, 99=price not quoted
poe_supcostTotal cost of all items that have been quoted for plus delivery and insurance in system base currency
poe_supcurrCurrency code
poe_supexchCurrent exchange rate
poe_supidPO Enquiry Suppliers, record ID
poe_supinsuInsurance charges
poe_supltmLead time in days
poe_suppartIs the quote for only part of the requirement 0=No i.e. full requirement, 1=quoted all items, some lower qty, 2=quoted full qty but NOT all items, 3=quoted for some items but also not full qty
poe_suppoeidPurchase Order Enquiry ID,
poe_supshipShipping charge
poe_supsuprefPurchase Ledger / Supplier reference, pl.accref
poenqcntName of one or more people that suppliers can contact to discuss the enquiry
poenqcostminMinimum total cost if items ordered at the lowest offered price
poenqcostordCost of order based on items from selected suppliers
poenqcostsupMinimum cost if items ordered from a single supplier
poenqdtPOE Date
poenqidPurchase Order Enquiries, record ID
poenqitmsNumber of line items in the enquiry
poenqlosupSupplier reference of the supplier with the cheapest order value, pl.ref
poenqnmMore desciptive name / details about the enquiry
poenqnoPO Enquiry number
poenqnsupNumber of suppliers selected for the enquiry
poenqrefPO Enquiry reference
poenqreqbyGoods required by / delivery date
poenqshiphiHighest shipping cost, including insurance
poenqshiploLowest shipping cost, including insurance
poenqstatusStatus: 0=New / Open, 1=Sent / Exported, 2=Imported, 3=Closed / Finished
poenqsuplistComma separated list of suppliers that have been selected to submit prices
poenqtmplFull pathname of MS Excel spreadsheet template file to be used for exporting / creating supplier enquiry
poenqtotTotal value of the enquiry based on last cost price or item cost price set by user
pop_itmad_disrAdditional discount percentage rate
pop_itmcost_cd_refReference for associated cost code
pop_itmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
pop_itmdel_dtDelivery date
pop_itmdept_nmDepartment name
pop_itmdeptnoDepartment number
pop_itmdiscamtDiscount amount
pop_itmdue_dtDue date
pop_itmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
pop_itmfrgn_discamtDiscount amount - foreign currency
pop_itmfrgn_full_netFull net amount (before discount) - foreign currency
pop_itmfrgn_grossGross amount (net after discount + tax) - foreign currency
pop_itmfrgn_netNet amount (after discount) - foreign currency
pop_itmfrgn_taxTax amount - foreign currency
pop_itmfrgn_uprUnit price - foreign currency
pop_itmfull_netFull net amount (before discount)
pop_itmgrossGross amount (net after discount + tax)
pop_itmidPurchase Order Processing Items record ID
pop_itmitm_noItem number
pop_itmjob_noJob number
pop_itmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
pop_itmncdNominal code
pop_itmnetNet amount (after discount)
pop_itmnote1Note / comment 1
pop_itmnote2Note / comment 2
pop_itmordnoOrder Reference number
pop_itmqty_dlvrdQuantity previously delivered for this order
pop_itmqty_ordQuantity ordered
pop_itmqty_poinvQuantity that has been invoiced (purchase invoice)
pop_itmr_discDiscount percentage rate
pop_itms_isIntrastat status. 0=Not processes, 1=Ready for IS reporting, 2=Posted to table isaudit for reporting
pop_itms_piPurchase invoice status. 0=Not invoiced, 1=Part invoiced, 2=Complete
pop_itmstk_descItem Description
pop_itmstkcdStock code
pop_itmtax_amtTax amount
pop_itmtax_rateTax rate
pop_itmtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
pop_itmtaxcd_idTax code
pop_itmunitsUnits that the items are sold in
pop_itmuprUnit price
remindactiveIs this event active (0=No, 1=Yes)
reminddoneNumber of events that have already been repeated / done.
remindendEnd date and time of when the event no longer active
remindfreqFrequency, number of intervals between events
remindfromlogin ID of user that created the event / reminder
remindidList of reminders / events coming up in the future
remindid1ID of first repeated event
remindid2ID of last repeated event. For the 1st repeated event id1 = id2
remindintervalRepeat interval: 1=Days, 2=Weeks, 3=Months, 4=Years
reminditmidID of the item to be repeated
remindleftUsers that have not yet been reminded
remindnoNumber of times to repeat the event, zero = unlimited
remindnoend1=The event does not have an end date and time
remindnotesFree short text for notes / comments, for user information only
remindnxtDate and time of next event for this item; for invoices, time = 00:00
remindpastDate and time of last event for this item
remindstartStart date and time of when the event becomes effective
remindtoDelimited list of Login IDs of users that the message is for, blank=all users
remindtyReminder item type e.g. Invoice, Reminder
rinvac_grossGross amount in alternative currency (Euros)
rinvac_rateAlternative currency (Euro) exchange rate
rinvaccrefAccount reference
rinvadr1Address line 1
rinvadr2Address line 2
rinvadr3Address line 3
rinvadr4Address line 4
rinvadr5Address line 5
rinvbnk_refBank account used for payment
rinvcarr_dept_nmCarriage department name
rinvcarr_deptnoCarriage department number
rinvcarr_grossCarriage gross amount (carriage net + carriage tax)
rinvcarr_ncdCarriage nominal code
rinvcarr_netCarriage net amount
rinvcarr_taxCarriage tax amount
rinvcarr_taxcdCarriage tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvcnt_nmContact name
rinvcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
rinvcu_rdiscCustomer Discount
rinvcu_telCustomer's telephone number
rinvcurrWhich foreign currency
rinvcurr_tyForeign or Euro currency
rinvcust_ordnoCustomer's order number
rinvd_deptnoGlobal department number
rinvdadr1Delivery address line 1
rinvdadr2Delivery address line 2
rinvdadr3Delivery address line 3
rinvdadr4Delivery address line 4
rinvdadr5Delivery address line 5
rinvdel_nmDelivery name
rinvdelco_nmCourier Name
rinvdelco_noCourier Number
rinvdelrefConsignment Reference
rinvdocnmInvoice/Credit/Quote/Proforma label
rinveidEvent ID, if this is a scheduled repeated invoice
rinveseqEvent sequence number i.e. if repeated, repeat sequence number, 1 onwards
rinvf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
rinvf_prnPrinted flag: o = No, 1 = Yes
rinvfrgn_carr_grossCarriage gross amount (carriage net + carriage tax) - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_deltaxCarriage tax amount - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_itmsgrossGross amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_itmsnetNet amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_itmstaxTax amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_netCarriage net amount - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_prepaidAmount prepaid - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_rateForeign exchange rate
rinvfrgn_stlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction) - foreign currency
rinvfrgn_stlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount - foreign currency
rinvfrgninv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and carriage gross) - foreign currency
rinvfrgninv_netInvoice net amount (goods and carriage net) - foreign currency
rinvfrgninv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and carriage tax) - foreign currency
rinvg_deptGlobal department name
rinvg_dtlsGlobal details
rinvg_ncdGlobal nominal code
rinvg_taxcdGlobal tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvidRepeating invoices, record ID. 0=Default settings for new records
rinvinv_dtInvoice Date
rinvinv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and carriage gross)
rinvinv_netInvoice net amount (goods and carriage net)
rinvinv_noInvoice number
rinvinv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and carriage tax)
rinvinv_tyInvoice type description
rinvinv_tycdInvoice type code 1=Invoice, 2=Credit Note
rinvitmsgrossGross amount (goods but not carriage)
rinvitmsnetNet amount (goods but not carriage)
rinvitmstaxTax amount (goods but not carriage)
rinvmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
rinvnet1Net amount at highest tax rate
rinvnet2Net amount at second highest tax rate
rinvnet3Net amount at third highest tax rate
rinvnet4Net amount at fourth highest tax rate
rinvnet5Net amount at fifth highest tax rate
rinvnotes1Notes 1
rinvnotes2Notes 2
rinvnotes3Notes 3
rinvntvd_descNet value discount description
rinvntvd_netNet value discount value (foreign currency)
rinvntvd_net_baseNet value discount (base currency)
rinvntvd_note1Net value discount comment 1
rinvntvd_note2Net value discount comment 2
rinvntvd_rateNet value discount percentage
rinvordnoCorresponding order number
rinvpmt_refPayment reference
rinvpmt_tyPayment Type: 0 - Already received. 3 - SR. 4 - SA.
rinvpostPosted flag - 1/0
rinvprepaidAmount prepaid
rinvq_expdtQuote expiry date
rinvrecur_refRecurring entry reference
rinvs_quoteQuote status
rinvsid_quoteQuote status Id
rinvsop_dtSOP Date
rinvsop_sidSOP status Id
rinvsop_statusSOP status
rinvstlm_daysSettlement days
rinvstlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction)
rinvstlm_discrSettlement discount % rate
rinvstlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount
rinvtax_amt1Tax amount at highest tax rate
rinvtax_amt2Tax amount at second highest tax rate
rinvtax_amt3Tax amount at third highest tax rate
rinvtax_amt4Tax amount at fourth highest tax rate
rinvtax_amt5Tax amount at fifth highest tax rate
rinvtax_rate1Highest tax rate
rinvtax_rate2Second highest tax rate
rinvtax_rate3Third highest tax rate
rinvtax_rate4Fourth highest tax rate
rinvtax_rate5Fifth highest tax rate
rinvtaxcd1Tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvtaxcd2Tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvtaxcd3Tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvtaxcd4Tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvtaxcd5Tax code (T0 to T99)
rinvusrOrder taken by
rinvitmad_disrAdditional discount percentage rate
rinvitmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
rinvitmdel_dtDelivery date
rinvitmdept_nmDepartment name
rinvitmdeptnoDepartment number
rinvitmdiscamtDiscount amount
rinvitmec_vat_info_idThe unique ID of the EC VAT Description applied to this item line
rinvitmext_ord_line_refExternal Order Line Ref for SOP to Invoice Link
rinvitmext_ord_refExternal Order Ref for SOP to Invoice Link
rinvitmf_automsgTrue if this message was automatically generated
rinvitmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
rinvitmf_srvService invoice/credit flag
rinvitmfrgn_discamtDiscount amount - foreign currency
rinvitmfrgn_full_netFull net amount (before discount) - foreign currency
rinvitmfrgn_grossGross amount (net after discount + tax) - foreign currency
rinvitmfrgn_netNet amount (after discount) - foreign currency
rinvitmfrgn_taxTax amount - foreign currency
rinvitmfrgn_uprUnit price - foreign currency
rinvitmfull_netFull net amount (before discount)
rinvitmgrossGross amount (net after discount + tax)
rinvitmidRepeating invoices items, record ID.
rinvitminv_noInvoice reference number
rinvitmitm_noItem number
rinvitmitmidItem ID
rinvitmjob_noJob number
rinvitmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
rinvitmncdNominal code
rinvitmnegotiation_disc_netNegotiation discount net (foreign currency)
rinvitmnegotiation_disc_net_baseNegotiation discount net (base currency)
rinvitmnetNet amount (after discount)
rinvitmnote1Comment 1
rinvitmnote2Comment 2
rinvitmproj_idID of linked Project
rinvitmr_discDiscount percentage rate
rinvitmtax_amtTax amount
rinvitmtax_rateTax rate
rinvitmtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
rinvitmtaxcd_idTax code
rinvitmtxtService invoice/credit text
rinvitmuprUnit price
rinvitmusaleUnit of sale

Back to Top | Suppliers
Sales Ledger / Customer Details
slaccholdAccount On Hold
slaccrefAccount Reference
sladr1Account Address Line1
sladr2Account Address Line2
sladr3Account Address Line3
sladr4Account Address Line4
sladr5Account Address Line5
slagnc_cdCredit Bureau code
slave_daysAverage Time To Pay
slbacs_refBACS Reference for Electronic Transfer
slbnk_accnBank Account Number
slbnk_adr1Bank Address Line1
slbnk_adr2Bank Address Line2
slbnk_adr3Bank Address Line3
slbnk_adr4Bank Address Line4
slbnk_adr5Bank Address Line5
slbnk_bicBIC/SWIFT Code
slbnk_ibanIBAN Number
slbnk_nmBank Name
slbnk_nmBank Account Name
slbnk_ref1Additional References
slbnk_ref2Additional References
slbnk_ref3Additional References
slbnk_rnRoll number
slbnk_scdBank Sort Code
slccdCountry Code
slcnt_nmContact Name
slconmAccount Name
slcr_bfCredits Brought Forward
slcr_cfCredits Carry Forward
slcr_limitCredit Limit
slcr_m1Credits Month 1
slcr_m10Credits Month 10
slcr_m11Credits Month 11
slcr_m12Credits Month 12
slcr_m2Credits Month 2
slcr_m3Credits Month 3
slcr_m4Credits Month 4
slcr_m5Credits Month 5
slcr_m6Credits Month 6
slcr_m7Credits Month 7
slcr_m8Credits Month 8
slcr_m9Credits Month 9
slcr_posCredit Position
slcr_poscdCredit Position Code
slcr_refCredit Reference
slcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
sldadr1Delivery Address Line1
sldadr2Delivery Address Line2
sldadr3Delivery Address Line3
sldadr4Delivery Address Line4
sldadr5Delivery Address Line5
sldef_fidDefault Fund Number
sldef_ncdDefault Nominal Code
sldef_taxcdDefault tax code (T0 to T99)
sldel_cntnmDelivery Contact Name
sldel_faxDelivery Fax Number
sldel_nmDelivery Name
sldel_telDelivery Telephone Number
sldept_nmDepartment Name
sldeptnoDepartment Number
sldisc_tyQuantity break (A - E) from stock record
sldt_accnt_opnDate Account Opened
sldt_cr_appDate of Credit Application
sldt_cr_rcvDate Credit Application Received
sldt_nrevDate of Next Credit Review
slduns_noDUNS Number
sle_mailE-Mail Address
sledi_accUnique Mailbox ID / reference for Document Exchange - alpha numeric string, (converted to lower case)
slf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
slf_nomailMail On Hold
slf_ovrncdOverride nominal code in invoicing
slf_termsokTerms Agreed Flag
slfaxFax Number
slgift_aidGift Aid is enabled
slhndpHircarra network delivery point ? 0=None, 1=email, 2=EDI
sli_e_mailE-Mail Address for sending invoices
slidSales Ledger, record ID. 0=Default settings for new records
slinv_bfInvoices Brought Forward
slinv_cfInvoices Carry Forward
slinv_dt1Date of First Invoice
slinv_m1Invoices Month 1
slinv_m10Invoices Month 10
slinv_m11Invoices Month 11
slinv_m12Invoices Month 12
slinv_m2Invoices Month 2
slinv_m3Invoices Month 3
slinv_m4Invoices Month 4
slinv_m5Invoices Month 5
slinv_m6Invoices Month 6
slinv_m7Invoices Month 7
slinv_m8Invoices Month 8
slinv_m9Invoices Month 9
sllast_inv_dtLast Invoice Date
sllast_pmt_amtLast payment anount received
sllast_pmt_dtDate of Last Payment
sllastyrTurnover Last Year
sllrev_dtDate of Last Credit Review
slmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
slnotesGeneral text memo / notes
slok2chrgCan Apply Credit Charges to this Account
sloverride_taxcdOverride stock tax code in invoicing
slpdf_invFlag to indicate that invoices should be printed as PDF files
slpdf_stmFlag to indicate that statements should be printed as PDF files
slpmt_bfPayments Brought Forward
slpmt_cfPayments Carry Forward
slpmt_due_daysPayment Due Days
slpmt_m1Payments Month 1
slpmt_m10Payments Month 10
slpmt_m11Payments Month 11
slpmt_m12Payments Month 12
slpmt_m2Payments Month 2
slpmt_m3Payments Month 3
slpmt_m4Payments Month 4
slpmt_m5Payments Month 5
slpmt_m6Payments Month 6
slpmt_m7Payments Month 7
slpmt_m8Payments Month 8
slpmt_m9Payments Month 9
slpmt_mode_idUnique ID of the payment method used by this account
slpr_refDefault Price List.
slprbandDefault price band to use (sell price 1 - 4) from stock record
slr_discDiscount Rate
slr_pwdPassword used to encrypt secure PDFs
slreminderShort reminder text message
slrep1Report Analysis 1
slrep2Report Analysis 2
slrep3Report Analysis 3
sls_e_mailE-Mail Address for sending statements
sls_noStatus Number
sls_txtStatus Text
slsaid_pdtDate on which the last promise to pay was made.
slsaid_pmtLatest amount promised to be paid.
slstlm_daysSettlement Due Days
slstlm_discrSettlement Discount Rate
sltelTelephone Number
sltel2Telephone Number (2)
slto_mtdTurnover Month To Date
slto_ytdTurnover Year To Date
sltrade_cntTrade Contact
slurlWorld Wide Web Address
sluse_bacsFlag to Use BACS Reference
slvat_reg_noVAT Registration Number
slx_docsExchange documents electronically
sopac_grossGross amount in alternative currency (Euros)
sopac_rateAlternative currency (Euro) exchange rate
sopaccrefAccount reference
sopadr1Address line 1
sopadr2Address line 2
sopadr3Address line 3
sopadr4Address line 4
sopadr5Address line 5
sopbnk_refBank account used for payment
sopcarr_dept_nmCarriage department name
sopcarr_deptnoCarriage department number
sopcarr_grossCarriage gross amount (carriage net + carriage tax)
sopcarr_ncdCarriage nominal code
sopcarr_netCarriage net amount
sopcarr_taxCarriage tax amount
sopcarr_taxcdCarriage tax code (T0 to T99)
sopcnt_nmContact name
sopcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
sopcu_rdiscCustomer Discount
sopcu_telCustomer's telephone number
sopcurrWhich foreign currency
sopcurr_tyForeign or Euro currency
sopcust_disc_amtCustomer discount amount
sopcust_ordnoCustomer's order number
sopd_deptnoGlobal department number
sopdadr1Delivery address line 1
sopdadr2Delivery address line 2
sopdadr3Delivery address line 3
sopdadr4Delivery address line 4
sopdadr5Delivery address line 5
sopdel_nmDelivery name
sopdelco_nmCourier Name
sopdelco_noCourier Number
sopdelrefConsignment Reference
sopdesp_dtDespatch date
sopduns_noDUNS Number
sopf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
sopf_prnPrinted flag - y or blank
sopf_prnPrinted flag - 1/0
sopfrgn_carr_grossCarriage gross amount (carriage net + carriage tax) - foreign currency
sopfrgn_deltaxCarriage tax amount - foreign currency
sopfrgn_itmsgrossGross amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
sopfrgn_itmsnetNet amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
sopfrgn_itmstaxTax amount (goods but not carriage) - foreign currency
sopfrgn_netCarriage net amount - foreign currency
sopfrgn_prepaidAmount prepaid - foreign currency
sopfrgn_rateForeign exchange rate
sopfrgn_stlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction) - foreign currency
sopfrgn_stlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount - foreign currency
sopfrgninv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and carriage gross) - foreign currency
sopfrgninv_netInvoice net amount (goods and carriage net) - foreign currency
sopfrgninv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and carriage tax) - foreign currency
sopg_deptGlobal department name
sopg_dtlsGlobal details
sopg_ncdGlobal nominal code
sopg_taxcdGlobal tax code (T0 to T99)
sopidSales Orders, record ID
sopinv_grossInvoice gross amount (goods and carriage gross)
sopinv_netInvoice net amount (goods and carriage net)
sopinv_noNumeric verison of INVOICE_NUMBER (NB Not always the corresponding invoice number)
sopinv_taxInvoice tax amount (goods and carriage tax)
sopitmsgrossGross amount (goods but not carriage)
sopitmsnetNet amount (goods but not carriage)
sopitmstaxTax amount (goods but not carriage)
sopmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
sopnet1Net amount at highest tax rate
sopnet2Net amount at second highest tax rate
sopnet3Net amount at third highest tax rate
sopnet4Net amount at fourth highest tax rate
sopnet5Net amount at fifth highest tax rate
sopnotes2Notes 2
sopnotes3Notes 3
sopntvd_descNet value discount description
sopntvd_netNet value discount value (foreign currency)
sopntvd_net_baseNet value discount (base currency)
sopntvd_note1Net value discount comment 1
sopntvd_note2Net value discount comment 2
sopntvd_rateNet value discount percentage
sopord_dtOrder Date
sopord_qOrder/Quote/Proforma label
sopord_tycdType code. 1=Quote, 2=Proforma, 3=Sales Order
sopordnoOrder number
soppmt_refPayment reference
soppmt_tyPayment Type: 0 - Already received. 3 - SR. 4 - SA.
sopprepaidAmount prepaid
sopproj_idID of linked Project
sopq_expdtQuote expiry date
soprecur_refRecurring entry reference
sopreq_dtDespatch date
sops_allocAllocated status description
sops_despDespatch status description
sops_quoteQuote status.
sopsid_allocAllocated status code
sopsid_despDespatch status code. 0=Nothing despatched, 1=Part despatched, 2=Fully despatched / complete
sopsid_quoteQuote status Id. 1=Quote, 2=Proforma, 3=Sales Order, 4=Complete / Closed
sopstlm_daysSettlement days
sopstlm_discSettlement discount amount (reduction)
sopstlm_discrSettlement discount % rate
sopstlm_totInvoice total after settlement discount
soptax_amt1Tax amount at highest tax rate
soptax_amt2Tax amount at second highest tax rate
soptax_amt3Tax amount at third highest tax rate
soptax_amt4Tax amount at fourth highest tax rate
soptax_amt5Tax amount at fifth highest tax rate
soptax_rate1Highest tax rate
soptax_rate2Second highest tax rate
soptax_rate3Third highest tax rate
soptax_rate4Fourth highest tax rate
soptax_rate5Fifth highest tax rate
sopusrOrder taken by
sopvlu_disc_amtValue based discount amount
sopvlu_disc_rateValue based percentage discount rate
sop_itmcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
sop_itmdel_dtDelivery date
sop_itmdept_nmDepartment name
sop_itmdeptnoDepartment number
sop_itmdisc_opPercentage discount given by operator
sop_itmdisc_qtyPercentage discount based on qty from stock record
sop_itmdiscamtDiscount amount
sop_itmdue_dtDue date
sop_itmext_ord_line_refExternal Order Line Ref for SOP to Invoice Link
sop_itmext_ord_refExternal Order Ref for SOP to Invoice Link
sop_itmf_automsgTrue if this message was automatically generated
sop_itmf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
sop_itmf_srvProduct or Service item flag
sop_itmfrgn_discamtDiscount amount - foreign currency
sop_itmfrgn_full_netFull net amount (before discount) - foreign currency
sop_itmfrgn_grossGross amount (net after discount + tax) - foreign currency
sop_itmfrgn_netNet amount (after discount) - foreign currency
sop_itmfrgn_taxTax amount - foreign currency
sop_itmfrgn_uprUnit price - foreign currency
sop_itmfull_netFull net amount (before discount)
sop_itmgrossGross amount (net after discount + tax)
sop_itmidSales Quotes / Sales Order Items
sop_itmisIntrastat commodity code
sop_itmitm_noItem number
sop_itmitmidItem ID
sop_itmjob_noJob number
sop_itmmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
sop_itmncdNominal code
sop_itmnegotiation_disc_netNegotiation discount net (foreign currency)
sop_itmnegotiation_disc_net_baseNegotiation discount net (base currency)
sop_itmnetNet amount (after discount)
sop_itmnote1Comment 1
sop_itmnote2Comment 2
sop_itmordnoOrder Reference number
sop_itmpop_itm_idUnique pop item identifier
sop_itmproj_idID of linked Project
sop_itmqty_allocatedQuantity allocated for this order
sop_itmqty_despQuantity to despatch/despatched on this delivery
sop_itmqty_dlvrdQuantity previously delivered for this order
sop_itmqty_last_despQuantity despatched on most recent delivery
sop_itmqty_ordQuantity ordered
sop_itmr_discDiscount percentage rate
sop_itmstkcdStock code
sop_itmtax_amtTax amount
sop_itmtax_rateTax rate
sop_itmtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
sop_itmtxtService item text
sop_itmuprUnit price
sop_itmusaleUnit of sale
Back to Top
Stock Records / Details
stkaverage_cprAverage cost price
stkbarcdStock Barcode
stkbinBin / location
stkbuy_ncdPurchase nominal code
stkbuy_refPreferred supplier's account reference
stkcreatedDate and time when the record was created.
stkdept_nmDepartment name
stkdeptnoDepartment number
stkdocrefsList of document references
stkdocsList of relative file names of documents saved on the system, 1 per line
stkexp_deldtQty on order expected delivery date
stkf_bomY if has components, blank if not
stkf_ccEU Intrastat Commodity Code
stkf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
stkf_descEU Intrastat Commodity Description
stkf_ignstkIgnore stock level flag
stkf_nocom1 if has no components, 0 if contains subcomponents
stkfavPart of the favorite list. 0=No, 1=Favorite
stkidRecord ID. 0=Default settings for new records
stkisstkIs this a stocked item? Default is 1=Yes, 0=Non Stocked Item, 2=Service
stklast_buy_dtLast purchase date
stklast_buy_prLast purchase price
stklast_disc_buy_prLast discounted purchase price
stklast_sale_dtLast sale date
stkmax_cprMaximum cost price
stkmin_cprMinimum cost price
stkmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
stkncdNominal code
stknestingNesting level i.e. sub-component level. 0=No sub-components, 1=1 level of sub-components, 2=2 levels etc..
stknotesGeneral Notes
stkparam1Customer specific item parameter 1 e.g. Length, height, width
stkparam2Customer specific item parameter 2 e.g. Length, height, width
stkparam3Customer specific item parameter 3 e.g. Length, height, width
stkparam4Customer specific item parameter 4 e.g. colour, texture, shape
stkparam5Customer specific item parameter 5 e.g. colour, texture, shape
stkparam6Customer specific item parameter 6 e.g. colour, texture, shape
stkqty_allocatedQuantity allocated
stkqty_in_stkQuantity in stock
stkqty_last_ordLast order quantity
stkqty_last_stk_takeLast stock take quantity
stkqty_makeupMakeup from quantity in stock (ignore quantity on order)
stkqty_on_ordQuantity on order
stkqty_reordReorder quantity
stkqty_reord_levelReorder level
stksellprSale price
stksellpr2Sale price 2
stksellpr3Sale price 3
stksellpr4Sale price 4
stkstk_catStock category number
stkstk_cat_nmStock category name
stkstk_take_dtStock take date
stkstkcdStock code
stkstkcd2Stock sub-code for: variant (colour, size etc..) / configuration (brass cage, steel collar etc..) of main item.
stksu_partnumSupplier's part number
stksu2_partnumAlternative Supplier's part number
stksu2_refAlternative Supplier's account reference
stktaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
stkusaleUnit of sale
stkusedinNumber of stock items that this component is used in their assembly
stkuwtUnit weight
stkw_cat1Web Category 1
stkw_cat2Web Category 2
stkw_cat3Web Category 3
stkw_dtlsWeb Details
stkw_imgWeb Image Filename
stkw_listedIs published on the web
stkw_nmWeb Description
stkw_offerIs on special offer on the web
stkw_refStock reference for website
stk_albinccdidCost Code Number
stk_albincprCost Price
stk_albincreatedDate and time when the record was created.
stk_albindtAllocation Date
stk_albindtlsAllocation Details
stk_albinf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
stk_albinmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
stk_albinproj_idProject Number
stk_albinqty_allocatedQuantity Allocated
stk_albinqty_issuedQuantity Issued
stk_albinrefAllocation Reference
stk_albinstk_albin_idStock Allocation Number
stk_albinstkcdStock Code
stk_catnmCategory name
stk_catnoCategory number
stk_discdisc_qtyDiscount break quantity
stk_discdisc_rateDiscount Rate
stk_discdisc_tyDiscount types: A - E
stk_discidStock Discounts
stk_discnoDiscount number (1 - 10) for current discount type (A - E)
stk_discstkidStock Code ID,
stk_statsbugt_qty_soldTotal expected quantity to be sold in any one month
stk_statsbugt_salesTotal expected sales in any one month
stk_statscostsTotal cost of items sold in any one month
stk_statsidStock budgets and monthly sales statistics
stk_statslast_yr_costTotal cost of items sold in any one month in the previous year
stk_statslast_yr_qty_soldTotal quantity sold in any one month in the previous year
stk_statslast_yr_salesTotal sales for any one month in the previous year
stk_statsmthPeriod / Month 0 (Brought forward) - 13 (Months 1 - 12, 13=Future)
stk_statsqty_soldTotal quantity sold in any one month
stk_statssalesTotal sales for any one month
stk_statsstkidStock ID,
stk_tranchangeQuantity that the stock is adjusted / changed by
stk_trancprCost price
stk_trancreatedDate and time when the record was created.
stk_trancurrstkCurrent stock level / qty in stock
stk_trandtTransaction date
stk_tranf_delFlag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.
stk_tranmodifiedDate and time when the record was modified.
stk_tranrefTransaction reference
stk_tranref_nNumeric verison of transaction reference
stk_transellprSales price
stk_transtkcdStock code
stk_trantran_noTransaction number
stk_trantyTransaction type
stkmanufdtdelDete of next expected delivery
stkmanufidStock by Manufacturer record id
stkmanufidclassClass reference (manuf.idclass) qty for records with same idstk, idmanuf and class are summed
stkmanufidmanufManufacturer record id,
stkmanufidstkStock record ID,
stkmanuflocStorage location / bin
stkmanufmanufrefManufacturer stock reference
stkmanufqtyQty in stock
stkmanufqty_alocQuantity allocated
stkmanufqty_onordQuantity on order
taxcdeu_buyTax code is EC Purchase Tax code
taxcdeu_salesTax code is EC Sales Tax code
taxcdf_revchReverse charge items posted to this tax code
taxcdidTax Codes, record ID
taxcdinfoTax code description
taxcdrelated_cdRelated Tax code for EC Purchase Tax code
taxcdrelated_rateRelated Tax code rate for EC Purchase Tax code
taxcdtax_rateTax code rate
taxcdtaxcdTax code (T0 to T99)
taxcdtaxcd_idTax code number (0 to 99)
taxcdvat_inclTax code included in VAT return
tftdidThought for the day, record ID
tftdtxtQuote text
wwwidWebsite record details record ID
wwwstkidStock record ID
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