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Ice Ledger

EPOS: Electronic Point of Sale

  Ice Ledger can also be used at the point of sale i.e. act as a till where customers can check out and pay for items that they have bought. The system is capable of operating multiple tills. Taking at any one or more tills can be monitored in real time by admin staff. Furthermore, the stock levels are also updated in real time.

Setting Up a Till

A till is effectively a workstation with a suitable monitor, a cash drawer and a printer with a support for the cash drawer.

Each till is identified by its computer ID; if you are not sure how to change / set this, you can either search the web or go to YouTube. You MUST make sure that there is NO HYPHEN (-) in the computer ID.

It is best to have dedicated logins for till operators and to restrict their access to limited menu options of your choice. As the till operator login ID is printed on till receipts, you may not wish to use actual operator names as their login ID.

For each designated POS workstation (till), setup separate nominal codes - one for cash sales and another for credit card sales for each till.

In Settings, Configurations, Workstation configure the settings, check the option, This is a Till on each till workstation and define the following details:

Till Configurations

When a till operator logs into the till workstation, he can use the Till option in the main Sales menu to process sales at the checkout. As items are checked out, the stock levels in the warehouse are reduced to give an up to date, true, stock levels. Cash and credit card receipts for items that are sold, are added to the associated nominal code accounts Nominal, Accounts. These may be monitored by the admin staff to view till takings in real time .

Till / Point of Sale

The picture, below shows the layout of the point of sales screen. The screen is divided in to a header section, at the top and items section, below. The various buttons, on the screen, have a keyboard shortcut which means the buttons may be clicked either using a mouse or their associated Alt-Key combination. The Alt key shortcut character is depicted by an underscore, in the above picture. If the underscore characters are not showing on your screen, simply press the Alt key on the keyboard. The various fields and buttons on the screen are:

Header Section

Till: Point of Sale

Items Section

The lower half of the screen is used to enter details of individual items that are being sold. The columns that are displayed and their order may be changed / customised to suite.

Checking Out Items

To facilitate speedy checkout, a number of features are implemented:

Example: Till Receipt

Example: Till Receipt

Till Sales

This screen allows you to cash up a till, after a shift or at the end of the day. All till sales are recorded in their respective Cash and Credit Card sales nominal codes. At the end of the day or a till shift, the till sales may be cashed up i.e. the money and card receipts transferred from the till to the company master cash and credit card bank nominal codes.

Till Sale

The screen lists all workstations that have been configures as Tills. The Expected columns show the total takings for a given till. All you need do is enter the total cash and credit / debit card receipts in the till in the Actual columns. If there are any differences between the Actual and Expected columns, these will be listed in the Shortages columns. Once you are happy with your data entry, you can click the Post button, on the toolbar to complete the cashing up process. All cash sales, card sales and shortages will be posted to the designated nominal code.



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